How far and terrible is the reach of sin.
The Celtic Revival: Celtic Christian Worldview (7)
But when human beings, for whom they [the sun, moon, and stars] shone brightly from the first, joined together in service, were cast out because of their sin and lost the blessedness of paradise, the heavenly lights likewise also suffered the decrease of their light not without grief on their part even though they were not at fault…
– Anonymous, Liber de Ordine Creaturarum, Irish, 7th century[1]
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected itin hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
– Romans 8.20, 21
We do not understand how powerful sin is. If we did, we would not dabble in it as freely as we do; instead, we would hate it mightily, and run from it earnestly.
Sin is more than a spiritual or moral condition afflicting human beings. It is that, of course, and brings out the worst of us whenever it lodges in our souls.
But sin also corrupts culture, turning things that should be used for beauty, goodness, and truth into instruments of degradation, ugliness, violence, and death.
Sin gets into institutions – like politics, education, churches, and markets – where it works corruption, oppression, and injustice. It can be extremely difficult to exorcise sin from an institution, because it plays so well to the sinful inclinations of those who serve there.
Beyond human life, culture, and institutions, sin is a cosmic condition which, once Adam and Eve had succumbed to it, spread throughout the vast cosmos, by some mystery of spiritual corruption we cannot understand, but which we can readily observe. The anonymous writer of the Liber de Ordine Creaturarum understood the reach of sin. Not even the stars and galaxies have escaped its power.
Celtic Christians understood that the cosmos, created good by God, still contains much of its original glory, beauty, and wonder. But there is much of destruction, decay, waste, and death throughout the cosmos – a manifold witness to the horrible power and reach of sin.
Paul says the creation “eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God” (Rom. 8.19). It is part of the mandate of all believers to bring reconciliation to the earth, as well as to their fellow human beings, all culture, and every institution. Celtic Christians understood this. They signaled their desire to bring the salvation of Jesus to creation by the wonder, admiration, and awe with which they considered the creation, and by incorporating beautiful images of creatures and patterns of the natural world into their art and worship.
It’s encouraging to see believers waking up to creation and the environment – its proper care and best uses. This, too, is part of the mandate assigned to us by God on the day He made Adam and Eve (Gen. 1.26-28; Gen. 2.15; Ps. 111.2). We must not deny or ignore this trust, but take it up as we are able, right where we are, and as fully as we can.
The earth, after all, is the Lord’s, and everything in it (Ps. 24.1). We are stewards of the creation, and good stewardship begins in careful inventories and dutiful attention. Learn the names of the things entrusted to you – the birds who frequent your yard, the trees and plants immediately in your care, the other creatures that you encounter throughout the week. Jesus upholds all these by His Word of power (Heb. 1.3); He cares for each sparrow that falls, and He expects us to do so as well.
Consider what you can do to bring the beauty and order of the Lord to as much of creation as has been entrusted to you. Care for your part of the creation as a sacred trust. Let your property bear witness to the love God has for creation, and the beauty of Him Who redeemed it. We give voice to creation’s praise as we bring out and celebrate its potential for beauty and fruitfulness (Ps. 148).
Beyond your own space, begin to take an interest in environmental issues and conservation, for in so doing you participate in the upholding work of the Lord. We who know the liberating grace of God have a duty to flow that grace wherever we can, even to ruined or neglected habitats, delicate ecosystems, and parks, trails, and reserves. The light of creation can shine more brightly if we who have been called to creation’s care become more involved in learning and caring for God’s world.
The glory of God is woven throughout the creation; by our care and concern for creation, we may be able to help others join us in acknowledging that glory wherever we may discern it.
Psalm 8.1-4 (Aurelia: “The Church’s One Foundation”)
O Savior, how majestic, Your Name in all the earth!
The heav’ns display Your glory, and tell Your wondrous worth!
From babes and nursing infants, Lord, let Your strength increase,
Till all Your foes surrender, and all their boasting cease.
When I regard Your heavens, Your handiwork above,
Ordained by Your good pleasure, according to Your love,
Then what am I, O Savior, that You take thought of me?
Or I should know Your favor and thus delivered be?
Give me a heart to care about the creation, Lord, and to enjoy it as fully as You do, so that I…
Creational Theology
The creation reveals the glory of God (Ps. 19.1-4). We can learn about God from creation, and what we learn can enhance our understanding of Scripture, and of the revelation of God we encounter there. Order the book, Consider the Lilies: A Plea for Creational Theology, and begin to discover how you can “read” God’s other book of divine revelation – the creation itself (click here).
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T. M. Moore, Principal
All Psalms for singing from The Ailbe Psalter. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
[1]Liber, p. 7.