Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Pray for Laborers

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

We need a good many more Patricks.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

  – Matthew 9.37, 38

True and illustrious husbandman of the field of the Gospel,/whose seeds are seen to be the Gospels of Christ/which, with his godly mouth, he sows in the ears of the wise,/ploughing their hearts and minds with the Holy Spirit.

  – Sechnall, Audite Omnes Amantes (Irish, 5th century)

It is becoming increasingly evident that the work of personal evangelism is being roundly neglected by the disciples of the Lord – at least in this country.

Churches are no longer growing like they once did. No matter what we do, we can’t seem to attract people to “seek” the Lord in our midst. People, especially young people, are leaving the churches in increasing numbers, and few among us are working our Personal Mission Fields with the kind of energy and consistency that is seeing many new souls won to the Lord.

Patrick was a courageous evangelist. He went to Ireland to bear witness to Christ, and he did so faithfully, working the Lord’s field with the seeds of the Gospel for many, many years. He trusted in the indwelling Spirit of Christ to empower him in this work, as the Lord had promised He would (Acts 1.8), and to strive with those who heard him, that their ears might be pierced and their souls penetrated by the Good News of Christ and His Kingdom.

The harvest today is as plentiful as it was in Jesus’ day. It may seem that people are no longer interested in spiritual things and no longer concerned for the wellbeing of their souls. But this is just an illusion. People are open – if not even eager – to talk with those who can help them connect with the permanence, transcendence, grace, and truth of God.

Jesus said we should pray for such people to be thrust out into the Lord’s fields. Will you pray for them?

And will you realize, as you do, that you are also praying for yourself?

Are you ready to take up the challenge of evangelism? Do you know how to work your Personal Mission Field? Can you share your testimony? The Gospel? Are you able to equip others to do so?

Patrick did, and Jesus blessed him abundantly. We need a good many more Patricks in our day, people willing to take God at His Word and follow Him wherever He might lead – in doing the work of evangelism.

Pray for laborers. Pray also for yourself.

T. M. Moore, Principal

We’re forming a Monday night class for the course, Taking Up the Challenge of Evangelism, beginning the third Monday night in December, at 9:15 Eastern. Classes will be held for six sessions, once a month, lasting 75 minutes in an online webinar format, beginning December 17. Registration is free (student guide and text separate), and all who complete the course receive all course materials for instructing others. For more information or to register for this course, write to me at

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