Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Points of Light

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Walking in the Light?

And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

  – John 1.5

The light shines in the darkness of faithful souls, and shines there more and more, beginning in faith and leading to knowledge; but the hearts of the unholy, through faithlessness and ignorance, have not grasped the Light of the Word glorifying the flesh.

  – Eriugena, Homily on John 1.1-14, Irish, 9th century[1]

It’s a terrible thing to live in the darkness of unbelief.

Oh, I know, unbelievers seem happy enough, many of them, anyway. They don’t appear to mind the darkness.

And most believers, who once dwelled in darkness with them, are willing to let them continue there. Wouldn’t want to disturb their comfort zone, you know.

But the darkness is terrible where the Light of Christ does not penetrate deeper and deeper, shining brighter and brighter.

Or perhaps you’ve forgotten?

In the benighted soul, profound uncertainty rules. Life is a hunch and a fleeting hope. Doubt attends everything – even the chosen morals and values of the one who dwells in darkness. Dissatisfaction, disillusionment, and despair show up with every triumph, every accolade, every success. The fear of death hangs like a shroud.

Jesus overthrows all that gloom by shining the Light of eternal life, hope, and glory into the recesses and compartments of the soul, beginning that great work that makes all things new.

Jesus is the Light of the world. He is the Morning Sun, the Brilliance, the Insight, the Way-Pointer, and the Illuminated Walkway the world requires. He is the Escape Hatch out of despair and hopelessness into unshakeable joy and peace. He is the Light at the end of every tunnel.

Jesus is the Light of the world, and His Light must shine brighter and brighter in our hearts each day.

But if this is to be so, we must flee to that Light and bask long in it, until the Light of Jesus burns away the lust and languor of sin, and quickens the new creation within us to glorious radiance, refracting the very image of Jesus Christ Himself.

We are not in the darkness, but in the Light, as Paul says (Eph. 5.8). Bask in the Light! Walk in the Light, as He is the Light! Then you will refract the Light of the world through even the most ordinary details of your daily life (1 Cor. 10.31).

A thousand, thousand points of Light!

All emanating from you?

Psalm 19.4-6 (St. Christopher: “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”)
Behold, the sun arises, a bridegroom strong and bright,
Rejoicing as he runs his course from morning unto night.
From east to west across the skies his circuit he completes,
And none can hide his sinful eyes or shelter from his heat.

Thank You, Lord, that You are willing to shine in and through me. Let it be so!

Send a ray of light
Perhaps Crosfigell brings a bit of the Light of Jesus into your life? If so, why not send it along to a friend, and encourage him or her to go to the website and sign up to receive it three times a week? Tell your friend to look for the banner at the lower right that reads “Join The Ailbe Community” and check the circle to receive Crosfigell and Voices Together. Light wants to express. It wants to spread out, unfold, reach as far as possible. Every day the Light of Jesus in us wants to shine on someone else. The Light of Jesus can do that through you when you join with us to reach others with the Light of Truth. Make sure your Light is being renewed daily, then join us to reach others with the Light of the World.

Prayers for The Fellowship
Here are a few matters we would appreciate your keeping in prayer:
1.      We are finishing up four new online courses at The Ailbe Seminary, which will be ready and available in September. Pray that we will use our time well and that these courses will further the Light of Christ in the souls of many.
2.      Pray for Susie, my wife, as she bears a heavy responsibility of editing. Five new books are currently in process, and each of them needs the polishing touch only Susie can give.
3.      Thank the Lord for meeting the financial needs of The Fellowship, and pray that He will bless with His Light those who share their gifts with us. You can contribute to The Fellowship of Ailbe by checking the donate button here or at the website, or by sending your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 19 Tyler Dr., Essex Junction, VT 05452.

Thanks for sharing your Light with us!

T. M. Moore, Principal

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved

[1]Bamford, p. 91.

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