Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Not His Will, but God’s

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Evil doesn’t always look evil.

“Or how can someone enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man?”

  – Matthew 12.29

Moreover when he abandoned the blessedness of the Creator, that angel completely lost every good quality of his own nature which he had in his creation. But if he continues evil for himself, he always remains good for God while he complies obediently with the Lord’s command…

  – Anonymous, Liber de Ordine Creaturarum (Irish, 7th century)

The devil is on a chain, and Jesus holds it.

He’s as mean and subtle and dangerous as ever, and we need to be careful about him (1 Pet. 5.8). But if we don’t stray inside the length of that chain – if we learn to recognize temptation and resist it – we have nothing to worry about as far as the devil’s concerned.

But we do need to remain vigilant. Evil doesn’t always look evil, after all, at least, not at first. If we only ever think of evil as whatever is vicious, violent, or vulgar, then we might be setting ourselves up for some ploy of the devil. Evil is whatever is self-serving rather than God-serving. So we’re all susceptible to evil, every day of our lives.

But God causes all things to work together for our good, even the sins we sometimes fall into and must confess and repent of before the Lord. God helps us grow through all adversities, as long as we don’t linger in them, preferring the sin of the moment to the renewing and transforming grace of God.

Be on guard against the devil. He knows you quite well. But if you know how he works and stay close to the Lord Jesus, the devil will have no power over you. He’s on a chain to do the Lord’s will, and not his own.

Stay close to the Lord, and stay wary of the devil. That way you’ll stay in the path of righteousness.

T. M. Moore, Principal

This seems a good time to introduce our newest publication. Satan Bound: A Theology of Evil provides a look at the Biblical view of evil and how the devil works to draw us into his net. The better we know him and understand his wiles, the better able we will be to stay in the path of righteousness. You can order Satan Bound: A Theology of Evil from our online store. We’re also still registering people for our course, Taking Up the Challenge of Evangelism. It’s free and meets in a webinar on Monday, December 17, at 9:00, and then five Monday nights after the first of the year. You can register at The Ailbe Seminary today.

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