Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Mind Set

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

We become what we look at.

A Framework for Faith/Spiritual Vision

Justly, my brethren the Fountain of wisdom, the Word of God on high, is to be desired by us, sought after and ever loved…

  – Columbanus, Sermon XIII (Irish, 7th century)

If the you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things that are above…

  – Colossians 3.1, 2

In the center of the east face of the Monasterboice high cross carved by Muiredach is a depiction of Christ standing. Every interpretation I’ve read of this has it that this is a scene of the last judgment.

But I disagree. In this depiction Christ has both His sword and His scepter in hand, and He is standing, as when Stephen glimpsed Him in Acts 7. Psalm 45 describes Christ reigning on high, advancing His Kingdom by the power of His Word (sword) and the authority of His scepter (unto uprightness).

Celtic Christians, for many of whom the calling to follow Jesus was a calling to some form of martyrdom, would have viewed this carving as through the eyes of Stephen, as martyrs, looking on their reigning King, ready to submit to whatever His will may require.

They had their minds set on Christ ascended, and they lived from that perspective day by day. As they went about their work, it was under the watchful, shepherding eye of their risen and reigning King. As they went through their various disciplines it was as part of a heavenly chorus and dance, meant to please their risen King. Their conversation and demeanor reflected their engagement with the risen and reigning Christ.

Their minds were set on Him.

On what are our minds set during the course of the day? Yes, we’re all very busy and life is full of distractions. But we are commanded to set our minds on the risen and reigning Christ, and, at any time of the day, we either are or are not pursuing that fundamental calling and command.

If we live with our minds set on Christ, our lives will be more likely to reflect that reality in all we say and do. If live with our minds distracted and fixed on matters mundane and merely mortal, then that will be the course our lives follow.

We become what we look at, what we gaze upon. Turn your eyes upon Jesus.

T. M. Moore, tmmoore@ailbe.or

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