Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Make Much of Singing

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Is singing really that hard?

“Whoever should recite the hymnody, would be making a song of praise dear to God, for it wipes out all sins, and cleanses the powers of the body and subdues involuntarily the lusts of the flesh; it lessens melancholy and banishes all madness; it breaks down anger, it expels hell’s angels, and gets rid of the devils; it dispels the darkness of understanding, and increases holiness; it preserves the health, and completes good works, and it lights up a spiritual fire in the heart, i.e., the love of God…”

  – Anonymous, The Irish Liber Hymnorum (Irish, nd.)

…but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart…

  – Ephesians 5.18, 19

We do not sing enough, my friends. The Scriptures contain many exhortations to sing. They provide an abundance of songs, and examples of many saints singing. They teach us that the Holy Spirit is wont to break into song as He fills us. We know that the saints in heaven sing in glorious anticipation of the final day of glory. Our forebears in the faith have left us many glorious songs and hymns and spiritual songs.

And yet we do not sing.

What’s wrong with us? Is singing really that hard? Is singing distasteful? If we really believed that even one of that long list of curatives, recited by the angel to Pope Clement, were available through singing, would it persuade us to sing more?

In fact, all those blessings listed in the quote above can truly be ours if we only will make singing to the Lord a more consistent part of our program of spiritual disciplines. So you don’t have a good singing voice; make a joyful noise to the Lord anyway. What if others hear you singing softly to yourself? Is it possible your song might fulfill your covenant calling to be a blessing to them?

Singing engages us soul and strength in meditation on the Lord and His glory. This is especially true as we sing the psalms. God has given us these hymns and prayers so that we might never lack for words to offer up in praise, thanks, and intercession to Him. How much more wonderful if we could sing all the psalms to the Lord, and join with other believers in doing so!

We need to make much more of singing, brethren. We are not of this world, but of another, higher, and more glorious realm. And there they sing continuously. And there dwells a Spirit Who fills His people with song.

And there reigns a King Who commands His followers to sing.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

ReVision – Further reflections on beauty – ten insights, in fact.

A Psalter Psampler – If you’re interested in learning to sing the psalms, write to me, and I’ll send you a sample of psalms to sing from The Ailbe Psalter. Better yet, order your copy of The Ailbe Psalter today, and learn to sing all the psalms in familiar hymn tunes.

Why not forward today’s newsletter to some friends, and encourage them to sign up for it. If you do, and if you’ll include me on the address line, I’ll write to them as well.

Many thanks for sharing your prayers and gifts with us. We rejoice in the goodness of the Lord, and sing His praise each day.

T. M. Moore,

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