Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Live Till You Die

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Live Till You Die


14 July 2010

Four teachings for which we should strive, even if we do not fulfill them: devotion to God, gentleness to men, good will to every person, expecting death each day.

– Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century)

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

– Philippians 1.21

Colman’s meditation seems a little morbid, I suppose. But it isn’t, not really. His purpose seems to be to encourage us to live, really live, live the life of Christ until the Lord takes us home. And if we expect that homegoing every day, we’ll live like we want to be found living when we show up before our King – faithful to the end.

We hear the echoes of love for God and love for our neighbors in this stanza of the “Broom of Devotion.” Even if it’s hard to attain this objective, we need to strive for it daily, deepening our relationship with God and being gentle and doing good to the people around us.

Death was a much more real prospect for Celtic Christians, especially death by martyrdom. But they didn’t fear death; rather, they welcomed it, in God’s timing, of course. They just wanted to make sure that, when they did die, they would be taken home doing the things God had put them on earth to do in the first place.

Hence the counsel: Live till you die. Love the Lord more each day. Reach out to your neighbors with the love of Christ. Grow in holiness. Rejoice in the knowledge that you belong to Jesus and nothing and no one can rip you out of His hand. And in that firm knowledge, focused on God and reaching out to your neighbor – live!



July Exercise Part 2: OK, you’ve been reading and doing some self-evaluation based on the brochure, Called to Be Witnesses. Now, for July 12-18, sit down with some Christian friends and share the results of your first week of this exercise. Make a copy of the brochure for each of your friends and challenge them to begin this exercise as well.

Today in ReVision: Souls on the Mind – What was Paul Giamatti thinking?  Also new at the website today, we begin our next Kingdom Civics series on the “Founding Documents” of the Kingdom, and Every Thought Captive features the next installment of Satan, Bound.

This Week’s Download: Called to Be Witnesses – Give a copy to your friends and begin talking together about how you can become more serious about piety.

We hope you’ll visit our book store and check out the resources available to help you live the Christian life. And let us hear from you.

T. M. Moore,

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