Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Kingdom Troubles

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Persecution? What else is new?

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.

  – 2 Timothy 3.12

…for it is no new thing that the kingdom of heaven should be the object of strife and contention. And do not hope that it is men alone who persecute you; there are devils in those who envy your possessions; against them take up that armour of God to which the apostle points, and make a path to heaven, hurling these arrows, as it were, of earnest prayer.

  – Columbanus, Letter to His Disciples, Irish, 7th century[1]

We’re hearing a good bit of concern these days about the rising “persecution” of Christians in America, in particular, with reference to alleged assaults on our religious freedom.

Of course, what we are beginning to experience in this country is nothing compared to what believers elsewhere are being subjected to at the hands of religious fanatics and political power-brokers. It helps to keep things in perspective.

There is reason to be concerned, I suppose. Concerned, but not surprised. All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. It is no new thing that the Kingdom of heaven should be the object of strife and contention.

Everything’s apparently proceeding according to the agenda.

To live a godly life in Christ Jesus is to abound in good works; to be fair, honest, and gentle in speech; to be truthful and trustworthy in all things; to avoid the snares of this secular and material age; and to seek the best for others, even at the expense of our own wellbeing.

For this we should be persecuted?

Seems strange, I know, but that’s the way the world is, and always has been.

Yet, as Peter notes, we need to make sure that, if we are to be persecuted, it’s for the right things (1 Pet. 2.18-21). I can’t help but feel as though a good bit of the antipathy which is today being directed against the Christian community in America is not so much because of our godly lives, but because of resentments that have built up due to our smugness, hypocrisy, and sense of entitlement.

If we must be persecuted, let’s make sure it’s for the right thing, for godly lives in line with the holy and righteous and good Law of God, and for clear and uncompromised testimonies concerning the truth of the Gospel.

Then let the world do what it will. We will not be afraid.

Anything that for a moment reminds the world that it is sinful, in rebellion from God, and not living up to its own standards of decency will incite the wrath of some. Jesus said it. Paul said it. It has been true in every generation. So let’s not be surprised when we find it to be true in our day.

It’s not enough to whine and complain about threats to our freedom. We must strive to live godly in Christ Jesus and to speak plainly of the demands of the Gospel. Let persecutions come, if they do, and keep up the whole armor of God – faith, righteousness, the Word and Spirit of God, the Gospel, and prayer – against all the trials this world might throw at you. The Lord will never fail you nor forsake you, and you will rejoice, like the apostles did, to be counted worthy to suffer for His Name (Acts 5.41).

Kingdom troubles are really the Lord's way of honoring our faithfulness and strengthening us for even more challenging opportunities ahead. In Christ we patiently endure within the tension between seeking the Kingdom and enduring the tribulations foisted on us by those who despise the Lord (Rev. 1.9). We do not seek the Kingdom or work for its progress in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Spirit without also knowing the troubles that come at us from the world.

So let them come. With the full armor of God and a firm resolve, we can endure any Kingdom troubles that may come our way, and be better followers of Christ as a result.

Psalm 124.1-3, 6, 7 (Neumark: “If Thou but Suffer God to Guide Thee”)
If You had not been with us, Jesus –
Let all who love You say with pride –
When foes rose up to fright and seize us,
They would have swallowed us alive
  Our help is in Your Name, O Lord
  Who made creation by Your Word.

Blessed be the Lord Who has not given
Us to our foes to be devoured.
We shall escape and rise to heaven
By His eternal grace and power.
  Our help is in Your Name, O Lord,
  Who made creation by Your Word.

Join the Movement for Prayer
As Columbanus reminds us, our real struggle is against spiritual foes, and the best weapon to discourage and defeat them is prayer. We encourage you to take up the call to pray for revival, renewal, and awakening in our day. Pray daily for yourself, your church, and the lost. Get others to pray with you. Give the Lord no rest as you plead, like the importunate widow, for God to do what only God can do – restore us, revive us, and awaken the rebellious world (Is. 62.6, 7; Lk. 18.1-8).

We’ve prepared a book to guide you in this challenge. Restore Us! outlines the need for revival, shows you how to begin praying daily for it, and includes resources and instructions for getting others to join you in this effort. Restore Us! includes prayer guides to show you how to use Psalms 12, 67, 85, 126, and more to seek revival in yourself, your church, and our world, praying and pleading daily for God to act.

Order several copies of Restore Us! by clicking this link, and become a catalyst for a movement of revival prayer in your own Personal Mission Field. Persecution cannot stop prayer, but prayer can help us to endure and overcome in the midst of persecution.

If you will pray.

Psalms to Pray for Today and Tuesday
Morning: Psalm 119.145-152; Psalm 10
Evening: Psalm 85 (great revival psalm!)

Morning: Psalm 119.153-160; Psalm 11
Evening: Psalm 86

T. M. Moore, Principal

All Psalms for singing from The Ailbe Psalter. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

[1]Walker, p. 27.

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