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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

Breach of Trust

January 08, 2011

Breach of Trust--A “breach of trust” can occur over matters of personal property, whether because of injury or damage to the property, or loss or theft.

Care for the Levites

January 07, 2011

Care for the Levites--The Levites, including priests, were busy with the work of the Lord all day long and had but little time to care for their own physical needs.

Pledges and Wages

January 06, 2011

Pledges and Wages--In ancient Israel it was considered a form of oppression either to withhold wages that were due or to cause a man to suffer because of his temporary need for assistance involving a pledge.

On Borrowing and Lending--Commentators differ as to whether what is meant by “interest” here is any interest at all or the exorbitant rates of usury.

Justice in the Small Stuff--We are responsible for goods held in trust for or borrowed from our neighbors, should they be stolen or should anything untoward happen to them while in our possession.

The Letter and Spirit of Law--God’s people ought to be able to disagree without rancor or violence.

Jesus insisted that, for reason to do its proper work, it must be submissive to revelation.

Make sure that you love - really love - only what you should.

Another New Year?

December 30, 2010

I always have mixed feelings about the arrival of another New Year.

Friend of God?

December 30, 2010

Columba was, like Abraham, a true friend of God.

Our Voices with Theirs

December 29, 2010


In the fervent, resounding chanting of hymns by thousands of angels flourishing in their holy dances, and by the four beasts full of eyes, and by the twenty-four blessed elders casting their crowns beneath the feet of the Lamb of God, the Trinity receives threefold praise eternally.

  - Columba, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb..."

  - Revelation 5.11, 12

We were made for praise. It is our highest calling to praise our God, not just with our voices, but with all we are and do, every day and moment of our lives. If heaven is our destination, and heaven resounds continuously with praise to the Triune God, then this is what we were made for, and what should focus our thoughts, words, and deeds every day of our lives.

To some this may sound a bit, well, boring. What, nothing to do but praise? Such is the witness of those who do not truly know how to praise the Lord, and who have not experienced the complete sense of fulfillment and rapture that fills the soul and energizes the body when one is emptying himself in praise before the Lord.

God is deserving of all praise, all the time, world without end. The angels and departed saints, and the creation all around us, never tire of praising the Lord. Nor do they ever exhaust the breadth and depth of the praise which are His due. When we join our voices with theirs, we fill a chair in an elect chorus which has the great calling to praise God continuously, and the great privilege of knowing that He is pleased with the songs of praise we bring.

Praise is our calling; praise fulfills us - praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Oh that we might focus our hearts and minds on Jesus exalted and reigning at the Father's right hand, and in the strength of His indwelling Spirit, soar in praise, praise emanating from our souls as the highest value and greatest joy of our lives!

When we praise the Lord like this, we discover our true reason for being, and know the fullness of joy and peace for which we have been redeemed.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

Creation longs to praise the Lord, too, and it is part of our calling to see to it that the redeeming work of Christ reaches to all His creation. Check out today's ReVision.

Why not start your new year with a fresh look at the life of faith? What does it mean to practice the Kingship of Jesus, and how can you begin to have more of that perspective on your own walk with the Lord? A Fellowship of Ailbe mentoring relationship could help you discover a fuller experience of knowing and serving the Lord.

Does this ministry serve a niche in your walk with the Lord? If so, we ask you to consider helping us at this end of the year by a gift to keep our work going forward. Use the donate button or send your contribution to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA 20158. Thanks so much for thinking of us.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

God So Loved the World

December 28, 2010

It's easy to miss the fact that God's love extends to the whole of His creation, and not just to human beings.