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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

In the Meantime

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

In the Meantime

June/Training for Mission

16 June 2010

When Christ, the most exalted Lord, descends from heaven, the most glorious sign of the Cross, and the banner, will shine forth. And when the two chief luminaries are covered up, the stars will fall to the earth like fruits from a fig-tree, the whole expanse of the world will be like the blaze of a furnace: then multitudes will hide themselves in caverns of the mountains.

– Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming day of God…

– 2 Peter 3.11, 12

Christianity is a way of life lived with a view to the end. We have been given advanced notice of the way things work out and what will be the final disposition of all things. Awaiting the world is a time of judgment before God Almighty, in which only they will escape uncondemned who have trusted in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and confirmed that trust by loving and serving Him.

As for the rest, well, hiding in caverns and calling the mountains to cover them will do no good. The end of unrepentant sinners, Celtic Christians were taught, is too horrible to consider. Everyone must be given fair warning of the coming judgment and pleaded with to turn to Jesus while they can. And our lives must be of such virtue, self-denial, and service that people see in us a reality they cannot explain other than by the Word we urge them to receive for themselves.

This is how Celtic missionaries were trained. They knew every day was fraught with urgency and opportunities to persuade lost souls to find shelter and new life in Jesus Christ. The remarkable lives of the Celtic missionaries – both in terms of their daily disciplines and their service to others – made their message one to be carefully considered. And multitudes did.

What manner of people ought we to be, knowing what we know about the outcome of all history and the final estate of men? Do we love God enough to represent His message and lifestyle to the world? Do we love our neighbors enough to plead with them to repent and believe the Gospel? A time of judgment is coming; in the meantime, let us live like those who know this is so.

Today in ReVision: Oiling Along – The President’s speech was smooth, but troubling.

This Week’s Download: Faithfulness in Ministry – Here’s a little tool to evaluate your ministry, pastor. And it’s free.

We thank those of you who have contributed to our ministry and visited our book store. May the Lord’s blessings be with you in all things.

T. M. Moore,

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