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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Holy Treasury

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

God’s Word – Is it your treasure?

And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”

   – Matthew 13.52

He has found a holy treasury in the holy book…

   – Sechnall, Audite Omnes Amantes, Irish, 5th century

It’s clear that Patrick considered the Word of God a rich treasure which was to be spent in the adventure of seeking the Kingdom of God.

His brief Confession – not much longer than a long tract – contains well over 100 references, quotes, or allusions to Scripture. Patrick built his life and ministry around the promises, commandments, teachings, and examples of Scripture. He was a man deeply rooted in the Word of God, and this explains why he was able to persevere against all the adversity and difficulty he encountered in bringing the Gospel to the Irish people.

Do we regard the Scriptures as a treasury? Do we invest the Word of God in our everyday lives the way Patrick did, putting God’s Word to the test in order to discover its power to make all things new? A recent poll indicates that some 46% of those who claim to be born-again do not believe in absolute truth.

This means they don’t believe the Bible is absolutely true, and that probably helps to explain why most believers do not practice good discipline in reading and studying the Bible. It’s an important book to them at one level, but it’s not like a fine treasure to spend and invest for the sake of the Kingdom.

Yet this is how God instructs us to think about His Word. He has given us a great bounty, a huge inheritance, filled with precious and magnificent promises, life-giving commands, and spiritual insights and visions to enlarge our souls and embolden our witness.

If we want to turn our world upside down, like Patrick did his, we’ll have to get more serious about the Word of God – all the Word of God – and begin to invest it in our lives with greater consistency and at greater depths.

Psalm 33.1-5 (Truro: “Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns”)
Sing with rejoicing in the Lord, for praise becomes His righteous ones!
With harps and songs raise grateful words, and let new songs of praise be sung!

Joyfully shout!  His Word is true; He does His work in faithfulness;
His love prevails the whole world through; the Lord loves truth and righteousness.

Lord, open Your Word to me today in greater depth and with greater clarity than ever before, that it may be my true treasure always.

T. M. Moore


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