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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Good to Be Here

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Good to Be Here


20 May 2010

One day when Brendan and his company were traversing and searching the sea, they happened upon the little country which they had been seeking for seven years, to wit, the Land of Promise; as it says in the proverb, “He that seeketh findeth.”

– Anonymous, Vita Brendani (Irish, 12th century, from an earlier ms.)

And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good that we are here…”

– Matthew 17.4

I’ll say it is; it is good, very good to encounter the Lord Jesus in His glory. Like Peter and the others did. Like Paul did on the Damascus road and at other times. Like Stephen and John. The Holy Spirit of God dearly desires to bring each of us, with increasing regularity, into the very presence of the glory of God – the vision of Jesus Christ exalted – and there to transform us in His very image (2 Cor. 2.12-18).

Brendan and his company finally achieved the beatific vision, as symbolized in The Promised Land of the Saints. Note a few things: first, it took seven years of many trials, wrong turns, and failings. This vision is real and attainable, but we must be willing to work at it day by day, setting or fixing our minds on the heavenly things, until they flash out real and glorious to us (Col. 3.1-3). Second, they happened on this vision suddenly, almost unexpectedly. For only God can show us this vision, and He does so at His pleasure. But the more we seek Him in His Word and plead with Him prayer, devoting ourselves to meditation and waiting, the greater is the likelihood that God will bring us to this glorious vision, not once, but often.

Third, Brendan and his companions had a guide to show them around, “a certain elder”, the text explains, who greeted them, told them where they were, and helped them to enjoy the place. Celtic Christians knew the value of Church history and the counsel of those who had gone before. They read the Fathers of the Church and sought from them wisdom and counsel in seeking and serving the Lord, and they found it regularly. In addition to these we have a powerful legacy of artists, poets, and composers to usher us into the presence of Christ and His glory. We ignore our forebears in the faith to our great loss.

Christ is exalted in glory and we, with the eye of the heart (Eph. 1.15-23), can see into that realm. If we want to. Do you?

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