Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Forbearance, Humility, and Love

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Only God and the virtues of faith endure.

But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Submit yourselves therefore to God.

  – James 4.6, 7

These three following counsels should be your guide, and nothing should be allowed to separate you from them: namely, have forbearance, humility, and the love of God in your heart.

  – Anonymous, Rule of Comghall (Irish, 8th century)

Doubtless today some of us are feeling rather discouraged, while others are high as kites. Some want to fret and fume; some will be inclined to boast and swagger. Some are happy to be finally done with this or that political candidate – good riddance! Others rejoice in the victory of “their side” – now we’ll show ’em!

Forbearance, humility, and the love of God. It’s hard to see how such virtues can thrive amid the attitudes and passions engendered by a heated political campaign finally come to an end. But this is the Christian’s duty.

By forbearance we love even those whose views we find abhorrent.

By humility we refuse to trumpet our victories, as though they came because of our worthiness.

By love for God we keep all things in their proper perspective, and we find the grace and strength to live each day “under the heavens,” no matter what is happening “under the sun.”

Politics and politicians are fleeting and changeable.  Only God and the virtues of faith endure. But in order for virtue to endure, it must be practiced. We who love God must practice our knowledge of Him in love for others and humility and self-denial. Otherwise, how will it be seen that loving God makes any difference in our lives?

On a day when boasters and bemoaners will be found on every hand, when swagger will seek to mop the floor with disappointment, the world needs some level places to keep it from going over one edge or the other. Temperance, humility, and love for God. Here is level ground, indeed.

May we seek the Lord to help us stand there, no matter what lies ahead for our nation and our lives.

T. M. Moore, Principal

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