Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Do Without?

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Will we follow Jesus or our covetous age?

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.

   – 2 Corinthians 8.9

Out of compassion you should do without your due allowance of food and clothing so that you may share with your less fortunate brothers and with the poor in general.

   – The Rule of Colmcille, Irish, 9th century

We are a generation who refuses to do without. We want what we want, and whether we can afford it or not, we will have it.

We have ransomed the future of our children and our nation by our covetousness, running up debt, encouraging our government to debase the money supply with its bailouts and handouts, and, for many of us, living beyond our means.

We do not fast; indeed, too many of us are overweight.

We demand our eight hours of sleep.

We cannot give up our TV time for study or conversation.

And we do not tithe.

Christians differ but little from their unsaved neighbors and friends when it comes to giving anything up of this material and sensual age. As a result, we ignore, or at best, give trifling acknowledgement, to the demands of distributive justice and the needs of the poor.

What’s the purpose of all this getting and possessing? If we mean to find happiness by it, then this is idolatry. If we’re just addicted to acquiring and indulging things, then we need to learn repentance.

Jesus provided the example for all His followers. He gave up His throne, His place at the Father’s right hand, all His heavenly perks and privileges, and took upon Himself the form of a creature. He emptied Himself of every earthly possession save the clothes on His back – and they, too, would be taken from Him – so that He might give Himself entirely for the salvation of the world.

What does it mean to follow Jesus, if not to deny ourselves all the latest gewgaws and doodads, take up the cross of sacrifice and suffering, and go to those in need with the Good News and generosity of redemption?

The idea of doing without – possessions, sleep, food, fun – is for many of us all but unthinkable. For Jesus, it was a way of life.

Will we follow Jesus or our covetous and consuming age?

Psalm 41.1-3 (Aurelia: “The Church’s One Foundation”)
They who the poor consider are blessèd of the Lord;
He them from trials delivers and shelters by His Word.
Thus blessed in all the land, they from enemies are safe,
Sustained by Jesus’ hand preserved by saving grace.

You gave up a great deal in order to come to me, Lord; what can I begin to give up so that I might serve You more faithfully, and show Your love to my neighbors?

At The Fellowshipof Ailbe
We will appreciate your prayers for the meeting of our Board on Wednesday, September 3. The Board will be pulling together the first stages of a long-range ministry plan, and we are pleased to see the way this is beginning to take shape. Won’t you consider making a gift to The Fellowship at this time, to encourage our Board and Members that you stand with us as we take steps to enlarge and improve our outreach in the coming years? You can use the donate button here or at the website, or send your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 19 Tyler Dr., Essex Junction, VT 05452.

Need some help with your prayer life? Check out the various resources for prayer available at our online story, including God’s Prayer Program and Voices Together – reliable resources to help you in learning to pray the psalms. Men, let me also encourage you to buy some copies of If Men Will Pray to share and study with some friends.

Forward today’s Crosfigell to several of your friends, and encourage them to subscribe. If you will copy me when you forward, I’ll follow-up with a personal invitation to your friends. And I’ll send you a free month of meditations on Psalm 45 to enhance your vision of Christ exalted.

T. M. Moore, Principal


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T.M. Moore
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Fellowship of Ailbe
