Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Cuppa Jesus

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Steep in Him.

But John runs ahead and arrives before Peter – for contemplation, being deeply purified, penetrates more sharply and speedily into the secret power of the divine intent than does action, which still needs purification.

  – Eriugena, Homily on John 1.1-14, Irish, 9th century[1]

And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

  – Luke 10.41, 42

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they make tea. Some people are so busy that they take the least amount of time possible making their afternoon drink. They can’t linger because they’ve got to get on to the next activity. They wonder why their tea always tastes a little flat.

Others let the tea steep, allowing the rich color to pervade the cup and produce that wonderful aroma and refreshing flavor that make an afternoon cuppa such a pleasurable treat.

Eriugena loved the apostle John and his gospel. He saw John as the eagle of divine revelation, soaring high above earth into heights of heaven and mysteries of the divine economy that only so noble a creature can penetrate. Anyone who has read John’s gospel can understand why he would have felt that way.

John embodied the life of contemplation for Eriugena. He would have steeped his tea for a long time, I’m sure. Eriugena emphasized the importance of contemplation as a precursor to action. When contemplation “runs ahead” of action, we can avoid the kind of impulsive, knee-jerk responses that we often see in Peter.

Eriugena represents the high-water mark of Celtic Christian scholarship, even though he is at times too arcane and at other times slightly adrift from orthodox tradition. But he understood the value of contemplation, of spending time seeking the Lord in Scripture and creation, and waiting on Him in prayer to make His glory known in sudden and profound ways.

John and Peter raced to verify the report of Jesus’ resurrection, John arriving first. Eriugena saw in this a symbol of contemplation’s power to get at the divine meaning of things more deeply than mere action. Our lives are filled with things to do; the pace of modern life would have left our Celtic forebears exasperated and uneasy. Our culture trains us to keep busy, get things done, even to do good works to meet the needs of others. We wonder, like Martha, why the Lord never seems to give us all the resources we need, and we have little time for sitting at the Lord’s feet, gazing up at the glory to be discovered in His face (2 Cor. 4.6).

But this is the needed thing: steeping in Jesus. This quiet gazing with the eyes of the heart, longing, waiting, listening for the voice of the Lord that comes to us from the books of Scripture and creation. This is the life of contemplation: this is the good portion, the necessary thing, the way of the eagle.

Don’t let your activities dilute your faith in Jesus. Let your faith in Jesus, and your growing vision of Him, define your life with, in, and by Him. Such a life may or may not feature many activities, although you will work your Personal Mission Field with greater consistency and joy. And your life will be rich in Jesus, steeped in His Presence and glory, refracting His truth and love to everyone you meet.

Wait on the Lord, before the Lord, and in the Lord. Focus the eye of the heart on everything you know about Jesus, exalted in glory, and infusing the creation with His powerful Word (Pss. 2, 110; Heb. 1.3). In quiet and prolonged contemplation, steeping in the Presence and power of the Spirit, you can encounter transforming glory to shape you increasingly into the very image of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3.12-18).

Let Jesus be your best cuppa, and every day your life will be richer and fuller in Him.

For Reflection
1. What do you think are the most important components of contemplation? Of a contemplative life?

2. What can you do to make contemplation a more consistent part of your spiritual life?

Psalm 8.3, 4 (Aurelia: The Church’s One Foundation)
When I regard Your heavens, Your handiwork above,
Ordained by Your good pleasure, according to Your love,
Then what am I, O Savior, that You take thought of me?
Or I should know Your favor and thus delivered be?

Give thanks
If you have found this meditation helpful, take a moment and give thanks to God. Then share what you learned with a friend. This is how the grace of God spreads (2 Cor. 4.15).

Resources for setting your mind
Three resources are available from The Fellowship of Ailbe to help you set your mind on Jesus.You can download the four installments in our ReVision study, “We Would See Jesus”, by clicking here. Our book, Vantage Point, can help you learn to see your life as Jesus does, from the perspective of our heavenly calling. Order your copy by clicking here. Finally, our book, What in Heaven Is Jesus Doing on Earth? can help you realize what it means to be seated with Jesus (Eph. 2.6) and to watch Him at work. Order your copy in book format by clicking here or in a free PDF by clicking here.

Thank you.

Many of you are faithful and generous in praying for and supporting Crosfigell and The Fellowship of Ailbe. Thank you. May I encourage all our readers to seek the Lord about becoming a supporter of The Fellowship of Ailbe? It’s easy to give to The Fellowship of Ailbe, and all gifts are, of course, tax-deductible. You can click here to donate online through credit card or PayPal or Anedot, or send your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, P. O. Box 8213, Essex, VT 05451.

T. M. Moore, Principal

All Psalms for singing from The Ailbe Psalter. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

[1] Bamford, p. 73.

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