Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Concern for Others

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

No wonder the Gospel caught like wildfire.

Personal Mission Field/Demonstration

What a wonderful road it is to remain faithful to self-denial, and to be eager for it. Let a monk daily bear in mind that he will die, and let him be zealous in his concern for every person.

  – Comghall, Rule (Irish, 6th century)

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

  – Philippians 2.3, 4

Ministry begins in an attitude of humility and self-denial, looking to others in order to discover their needs and touch them, by word and deed, with the grace and truth of Jesus. Ministry, to which all believers are called (Mk. 10.42-45; Jn 20.21) and for which we are to be equipped by the shepherds of the church (Eph. 4.11 12), occurs in the everyday situations of life, where we are looking to the Lord and listening for His leading in how we might demonstrate His love for others.

Everyone has needs. Even it it’s just to be recognized, affirmed, called by name, or helped in some small, simple way. The better we know the people around us, and the more faithful we are in praying for them, the more alert we’ll be to the opportunities God gives us to minister to them.

The cumulative effect of consistent, selfless ministry to others will often be to pique their interest in why we are the way we are. No one else seems to care about them. No one else says they pray for them, or has the time to listen to their news, issues, or concerns. But we do. Why?

Of course, they’ll probably know it has something to do with Jesus, and we’ll want to make that very clear. We love them in Jesus’ name, in His place, as it were, because we want them to know Jesus, not mediately only, through us, but immediately, as their own Savior and King.

Celtic monks practiced self-denial daily, modeling the life of ministry to one another and the people in the community around their monastery. Thus people, most of whom could not read, heard the stories of Jesus and saw the life of Christ lived out in the self-giving lifestyles of humble monks. The combination, apparently, was irresistible.

No wonder the Gospel caught like wildfire and ignited all the Celtic lands and most of Europe over a period spanning nearly four centuries. What if we could learn to practice that ministering lifestyle, if we could really demonstrate zealous concern for the interests and needs of the people around us? Would that open some eyes? Some doors of opportunity?

Some hearts for Jesus?

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

Let me encourage you to visit our website,, and check out services offered there. Our desire is to able to affirm, encourage, and edify those who come to us, so please join us in praying that the Lord will bless our efforts to further His Kingdom and glory.

T. M. Moore,

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