Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Can you see what I’m learning?

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

What does it mean to “learn” something?

Your learning should be visible to all, and not hidden like a candle under a bushel.

The Rule of Carthage (Irish, 7th century)

But that is not the way you learned Christ!

– Ephesians 4.20

What does it mean to “learn” something? In particular, to “learn” something Christian? Or Biblical? To look at much of contemporary Christian education, learning something amounts to little more than giving assent – be it ever so reluctant or exorbitant – to something heard.

Ask someone at church on Sunday, “What have you been learning lately?” I will predict that the answer will be something “content heavy” – something like, “Well, I’ve been studying the book of Romans.” Or “My Bible study group is reading [fill in the blank].”

To Celtic Christians, as with Paul, true learning is not really something you have to inquire about; it’s right there to see! True learning – the processing of God’s truth through heart, mind, and conscience into life – issues in visible conformity to the image of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3.12-18). We are learning when people see Jesus in us.

And that troubles me a lot, because I’m pretty sure people don’t always see a lot of Jesus in me. I read and study, probably more than most, and plead with the Lord to help me “learn” what He wants me to learn. But unless it’s coming out in words and deeds that refresh like the Spirit and redeem like the Lord, then I probably still have a bit of work to do.

Let’s not be so glib about this matter of learning. Let’s study, and read, and discuss, and encourage one another day-in and day-out until, increasingly, the Light of Jesus begins to glow on and show through us with greater consistency and effect. Then no one will have to ask us, “So what have you been learning lately?”

They’ll see it.

Today in ReVision: Boomer Legacy – Hey, you boomers! What will you leave for the future?

This Week’s Download: Soul Friends – Get this brochure and put it to work, because friends can help one another learn.

T. M. Moore,

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