Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Blessed for Blessing

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Who will know the touch of Jesus through you today?

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain…”

  – John 15.16

So greatly did the man of God abound in faith, that whomever he consecrated, the last day found persevering in good works.

  – Jonas, Life of St. Columban, Italian, 7th century[1]

We underestimate the effect for good we are able to have on other people.

Or maybe we just don’t think that much about it?

One of the great promises of God is that He will bless us. That is, He promises to establish us in Him in a relationship of transforming grace, truth, and joy. On the strength of that relationship, God further promises, He will make us a blessing to others. God can use us in everyday, ordinary ways to bring the touch of His favor and transforming power to the people around us (Gen. 12.1-3).

And in some of those people, that touch could have powerful and lasting effects.

I rather doubt that most of us think of our daily lives in this way. Most of the people we encounter during the day are so familiar to us that we don’t consider bearing any fruit of love to nourish and refresh their souls.

Perhaps this is because we’re not sinking our roots deeply enough into the Lord each day? If we don’t see the people around us with the mind of Christ, we won’t have the heart of the Lord to reach out to them with His grace and truth. Loving our neighbors as Jesus would will not be a priority for us unless the mind, heart, and conscience of Christ are being formed and growing in us daily.

But make spending time with the Lord each day your first priority, and the blessings you discover there will build up in you and pour it through you in ways that can make a lasting touch of grace on others (Jn. 7.37-39).

Men like Columbanus prove that Jesus can bring lasting fruit through us. But such fruitfulness takes faith on our parts, to spend time with Jesus, learn to see others as He does, and take whatever next steps will allow us to touch them with His grace and truth.

Jesus invested His life in twelve humble men, and through them the great project of the Christian faith has spread to all the world. He bore lasting fruit in them, and they, through the gift of His Holy Spirit, bore lasting fruit with the people of their generation.

This is the kind of abiding truth Jesus has in mind for each of His followers.

Whom will you touch today with the grace of God? Who will be so affected by some act of thoughtfulness, or some timely word on your part, that a permanent change will come into their attitude, outlook, or way of life?

Being a blessing to others begins in being blessed by the Lord.

Seek the Lord earnestly each day in His Word and prayer. Linger there before Him, with the mindset of Jacob, refusing to let go of the Lord or to conclude your time with Him until He blesses you (Gen. 32.26). But be ready: Some of those “blessings” – like the one Jacob received – may hurt, as the Lord exposes sin in your life or challenges you to show His love to someone you’d rather not.

Pray that God will use you to bear fruit toward others. Pray that your example, your teaching, your ways and words will so affect others, that they will turn with great joy to the Lord in order to gain more of what they have experienced in you (Mic. 4.1-5).

Call upon the Lord to bless you; then listen as He guides and empowers you to be a blessing to others. Who knows what lasting fruit might result?

Is this unrealistic? Overly ambitious? I don’t think so. I think we should rather view such fruitfulness as normal, and where it is absent, as something diligently to be sought.

But the lasting fruit we may bear toward others requires the fruit we gain from the Lord in our time together with Him, seeking His blessing for each day.

Psalm 51.10-13 (Passion Chorale: “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”)
Create in me a clean heart, renew me from within!
Take not Your Spirit from me because of all my sin.
Salvation’s joy restore, Lord, and keep me in Your hand;
Thus shall I tell Your strong Word to sinners in the land.

Lord, use me for Your glory, and give me the joy of seeing others affected by Your love. 

Personal Mission Field
Being a blessing to others is what working your Personal Mission Field is all about. Once you’ve mapped out the places you go each week, and identified the people you see there, you’ll be able to begin seeking the Lord daily to make you a blessing to them.

This may seem like a small thing to do in carrying out your Kingdom citizenship. But Jesus had a Personal Mission Field, and so do you. If we are faithful in our Personal Mission Field, bringing the Kingdom near to others and proclaiming its Good News to all, God will use us, as a people, to do ever greater works in making known His goodness and glory (Hab. 2.14).

Download the free Personal Mission Field worksheet today. Print it on both sides of a single sheet, then fold it into a trifold brochure. Follow the instructions provided, then get busy praying that the Lord will use you as a blessing to all the people to whom you are sent each day as an ambassador of King Jesus to a weary, dying world.

T. M. Moore, Principal

All Psalms for singing from The Ailbe Psalter. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

[1]Jonas, p. 85.


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