Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

This is Life!

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

This is Life!–“Keeping” or, more literally, “guarding” the Law of God begins in the soul,

The Rule of Law: Government of the Soul (7)

This is the way we’re meant to live.

You shall therefore keep my statutes and my rules; if a person does them, he shall live by them: I am the LORD.” Leviticus 18.5

“Keeping” or, more literally, “guarding” the Law of God begins in the soul, as we daily strive, in the Word and by God’s Spirit, to keep our affections, thoughts, and values subordinate to God’s revealed will, beginning in His Law. Such constant vigilance can be arduous, it’s true. Thus, the Scriptures refer to living this way as work, warfare, running a race, doing battle, and so forth. But though life on God’s terms is difficult, it is not onerous (Matt. 11.30).

Only God is able to define life on the most blessed and beneficial of terms, life in the fullness of joy and with pleasures forevermore (Ps. 16.11). All our vain attempts to find our way in life apart from God will only leave us disappointed, or worse (Prov. 14.12). Real life is through faith in Jesus Christ, by dying through Jesus to the wrath of God’s Law, and living in Him unto the righteousness of that Law (1 Jn. 2.1-6). Jesus is the life we seek, and we know His life through faith and obedience, from the inside-out.

So let us guard our hearts, minds, and consciences against the destructive influences of the world, the flesh, and the devil, by filling our souls with the Law of God, leaning on the Spirit to search, teach, and form us into the image of Jesus Christ, walking in daily obedience to God’s Law, and exhorting all around us to do the same. Thus we will know the greatness of God’s Kingdom and fullness of life in Jesus Christ (Matt. 5.17-19).

For a practical guide to the role of God’s Law in the life of faith, get The Ground for Christian Ethics by going to and click on our Book Store.

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