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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Fulfilling the Sixth Commandment

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

A Kingdom Catechism

We are always on-duty for neighbor-love.


Q 94: How do they who have been redeemed fulfill the sixth commandment?

A 94: The redeemed of the Lord fulfill the sixth commandment by refraining from hatred and grudges, enforcing justice against all murderers, and protecting and caring for their neighbors. (Lev. 19.17, 18; Lev. 24.17; Ex. 21.28-31; Deut. 24.6)

Every believer is at all times obligated to keep all the commandments of the Lord. This requires a careful self-watch, both over the state of our souls and the nature of our relationships. Neighbor-love that edifies, preserves, and blesses others does not “just happen.” We must work at it daily, waiting on the Lord to search and shape our souls, making plans in Him for actions consistent with love, and paying attention at every opportunity, so that we may make the best use of our time for loving others. In each encounter with the people in our lives, we are either contributing to their experience of the love and life of Christ, or we are ushering them along the path to death. As the steadfast love of the Lord attends continuously to our needs, so we, if we would love our neighbors and not “kill” them, must be constantly circumspect and careful to prepare for and practice the requirements of love on their behalf.

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