Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Begins in the Heart

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

A Kingdom Catechism

Obeying the fifth commandments begins with proper affections.


Q 86: How do the redeemed of the Lord honor their parents and all proper authorities?

A 86: The redeemed of the Lord honor their parents and all proper authorities by revering, respecting, and obeying them according to the all the teaching of God’s Word. (Lev. 20.9; Deut. 18.15; Deut. 17.8-11; Deut. 17.18-20)

Instruction in the Word of God is essential if children are to gain the benefits intended for them in the fifth commandment and all the Law of God. The divine economy, outlined in the Law and further fleshed out in all the Word of God, is an economy based on love rather than mere materialistic self-interest. Such love begins in the heart and takes many forms as it comes to expression, among them, those which demonstrate reverence, respect, and proper obedience. Neighbor-love is more than mere affection, but it begins there, in the heart, where children are taught to bring their affections into the service of God and their neighbors by honoring their parents as the Lord requires.

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