Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

True Children of Abraham

Rusty Rabon
Rusty Rabon
"John the Baptist Preaching" by Pieter Brueghel

Hear and respond to the message

Luke 3:7-18 NLT
When the crowds came to John for baptism, he said, “You brood of snakes! Who warned you to flee the coming wrath?  Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say to each other, ‘We’re safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.’ That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones.  Even now the ax of God’s judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.”  The crowds asked, “What should we do?” John replied, “If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry.” Even corrupt tax collectors came to be baptized and asked, “Teacher, what should we do?” He replied, “Collect no more taxes than the government requires.” “What should we do?” asked some soldiers.
John replied, “Don’t extort money or make false accusations. And be content with your pay.” Everyone was expecting the Messiah to come soon, and they were eager to know whether John might be the Messiah.  John answered their questions by saying, “I baptize you with water; but someone is coming soon who is greater than I am—so much greater that I’m not even worthy to be his slave and untie the straps of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork. Then he will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into his barn but burning the chaff with never-ending fire.”  John used many such warnings as he announced the Good News to the people.

Father God,
In this Advent season we seek to identify with ancient Israel in their waiting and looking for Messiah to come. We are reminded of the preaching of the prophets, who warned of judgment for sin as they also sowed seeds of hope for a changed world when Messiah came.
Today, we see how the preaching of the last of those prophets, John the baptizer, brought conviction to many hearts as he prepared the way for Messiah to be introduced to the world. He confronted the self-righteous with a call to repentance and turning to God. He warned those with religious pedigree that the only thing that counts with God is a humble and contrite heart. He proclaimed a message of holiness of both heart and life, a holiness visible in just treatment of other people. Then, the climax of his message was proclaiming the coming of the longed-for One, the hoped-for One.
Father, I want to hear John’s words of admonition and respond with a heart fully devoted to you. I want to live a life of holiness before you and righteousness before others. To do that, I need you to baptize me “with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”
Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Comfort Ye, My People

If you have found this meditation helpful, take a moment and give thanks to God. Then share what you learned with a friend. This is how the grace of God spreads (2 Corinthians 4.15).

Joy for every December day! This online Advent calendar provides Scripture and a devotional thought, a song, and sometimes a work of art to guide you into worship each day through the Advent season and into the celebration of Christmas. It runs for the entire month of December. Just click on the link and then click on the date.

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Rusty Rabon

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