Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


Fellowship of Ailbe

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The Fellowship of Ailbe Newsletters

Ailbe Community


Read like your life depends on it!

All day long you are assaulted with information – news, ads, the opinions of friends and co-workers, pop culture: It never lets up, and most of what you receive is probably not friendly to Christ and His Kingdom.

In the face of this relentless information storm, this is no time for Christians to give up on reading. We need to equip ourselves to weather this information storm, and The Fellowship of Ailbe wants to help.

Why not “hang your day” on teaching from The Fellowship of Ailbe? Our mail-out schedule is as follows:

  • Scriptorium: Studies in books of the Bible, chapter by chapter, are mailed at 5:00 am Eastern, seven days a week. Each week’s studies are available in a free PDF for personal or group use.
  • ReVision: Studies in discipleship and Kingdom themes, ReVision is mailed at 11:30 am Eastern, every day, Monday through Sunday. Each ReVision series is available in a free PDF download for personal or group use. Also available in audio format in the same mailing.
  • Crosfigell: Devotionals from Scripture and the Celtic Christian tradition, to challenge your spiritual vision and encourage you in leading a disciplined life, Crosfigell is mailed at 11:30 am Eastern, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The same mailing includes an audio format.

Hang your day on a solid diet of Kingdom insights and instruction, and you’ll be better equipped to weather the information storm that assaults you every day. You can also receive:

  • Call to Worship: This column is intended to provide a forum for the called ones to explore the ramifications of the invitation to worship God in every aspects of our lives.
  • Men at Prayer: Men, we invite you to join the Movement of Men in prayer by signing up to receive our weekly prayer letter.
  • Pastor to Pastor: Excerpts from the pastoral writings of great pastors from Church history, together with T. M.’s insights and thought-provoking questions, and news about opportunities and resources at The Fellowship of Ailbe.
  • The DEEP: A colloquial style daily devotional that walks through books of the Bible. Studies are mailed at 7:00 am Eastern, Monday through Friday. Each week’s studies are collected into a downloadable PDF, which includes discussion questions, for personal or group use.
  • 8:18: What if we could learn to truly have seeing eyes and listening ears? This is Bruce Van Patter’s ongoing attempt at being attentive to the world around him, one moment at a time.
  • Rooted in Christ: A weekly column with Dr. Stan Gale exploring what it means to live in union with Jesus Christ.
  • Personal Mission Field Workshop: Each month we provide teaching, encouragement, activities, and resources so that you can become more consistent and effective in realizing the presence, promise, and power of God’s Kingdom in your daily life.
  • Song to the Lord: An occasional podcast offered as an aid to such singing by providing insights and commentary on some of the great hymns and spiritual songs of the Christian faith.
  • The InVerse Theology Project: A weekly podcast offering a different approach to understanding the traditional fields of theological study – Biblical, creational, historical, systematic, practical, and spiritual theology.

All our teaching newsletters are available at no charge. Fill out the information below and begin your journey with us in and toward the Kingdom of God as a member of the Ailbe Community.

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