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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Always Prepared?

February 18, 2011

Personal Mission Field/Conversation

"[God] has a son who is coeternal with him and of like nature. The Son is not younger than the Father nor the Father than the Son; and the Holy Spirit breathes in them. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are not separate. Truly, now, since you are daughters of an earthly king, I wish that you will believe and I wish to wed you to the king of heaven."

  -Tirechan, Account of Patrick's Journey (Irish, 7th century)

...but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is within you; yet do it with gentleness and respect...

  - 1 Peter 3.15, 16

Tirechan's anecdote about Patrick witnessing to two daughters of a local king is probably fictional. But it serves a purpose nonetheless.

We note in Patrick's speech great care - on Tirechan's part - to portray the orthodoxy of the beloved evangelist. His witness sounds like a zip version of the Nicene Creed and the Formula of Chalcedon. Patrick, we are to believe, laid down a solid foundation of orthodox Christian faith through his witness.

That certainly is true enough. But we also notice a couple of other things about this brief witness for Christ. First, it makes the same demand that Psalm 45 makes of those who would become the Bride of Christ: they must "forget your people and your father's house" so that the heavenly king "will desire your beauty" (vv. 10, 11). In other words, repentance and a complete change of direction in life are part of the requirement of saving faith.

Moreover, being "wed" to Christ suggests the kind of intimacy that ought to characterize the relationship of all true believers with their Savior and King. Becoming a Christian means that we (a) believe the orthodox confession of Christ; (b) turn away from our previous commitments and lifestyle; and (c) cling to Christ and love Him supremely.

How does that compare with the witness you are always prepared to give for the Lord Jesus? What's that? You don't have a word of witness prepared? Well, what if the unthinkable happens, and someone - someone today, perhaps - asks a reason for the hope that is within you? How will you be able, with gentleness and respect, to explain that Jesus, the Son of God, is Lord and King in your heart and life, and that you are devoted to following this One Who saves all who truly repent and believe in Him? How will you bear witness to Jesus if you aren't always ready to do so?

But then, perhaps you are more ready than you know. Why not try it and see? Right now, ask God to give you an opportunity to explain the Good News of the Kingdom of God and its King to someone today. Go on - right now...

And then do the same tomorrow, and the next day, and every day.

You might be surprised to discover that God really does answer prayers.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

They're protesting in the streets! People are angry! Shaking their fists! Threatening retribution! Invading public spaces! And we're not talking about the Middle East, we're talking about Madison, WI! The Cheese State has become Athens! ReVision explains.

It's almost March, and St. Patrick's Day is March 17. What will you give your loved ones to celebrate this great saint? How about a copy of The Legacy of Patrick? Not only will they learn about Patrick, but they'll learn why The Fellowship of Ailbe cares so much about him and his contribution to the progress of Christ's Kingdom. Oh yes, get yourself a copy, too.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Will You Be Silent?

January 07, 2011

Personal Mission Field/Conversation

Let who will laugh and scoff. I will not be silent, nor will I conceal the signs and wonders which the Lord has shown to me many years before they happened - He Who knows all the happenings since before the beginning of time.

  - Patrick, Confession (Irish, 5th century)

...but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is within you...

  - 1 Peter 3.15

Irish people are frequently described as having "the gift of the gab." Patrick wasn't Irish, but he was pretty good at talking with others about the Gospel. Did the Lord allow one of the greatest revivals in Church history to begin in Ireland because He knew no one would be able to shut those people up?

How many conversations do we engage in a given day? Ten? Twenty? Each of them represents an opportunity to sow something of the Gospel, whether to a fellow believer needing encouragement or exhortation, or to an unbeliever who seems quite content without Christ.

We are called to be witnesses for Christ, to gab about the Good News at every opportunity, with joy and gladness testifying out of our own experience that Jesus Christ really is alive from the dead, and we are His forgiven and commissioned brethren.

How can we make the most of our conversations for the Gospel of the Kingdom? I don't mean to suggest that every conversation has to include a full-blown presentation of the Gospel. We sow seeds, by small gestures, listening ears, and conversation that makes the concerns of others of paramount concern to us.

Let us not be silent when doors of opportunity open for words of witness from our lips. What God is showing us of His glory, goodness, and steadfast love, let us eagerly tell to others, as much as we can for as long as they'll listen. God will use whatever we sow of His unfailing Gospel for whatever His good and glorious purposes may be.

As you go forth today, go in a sowing mood, watching for the cracking-open of every door of opportunity.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

Sin affects everything in this world, but in the midst of a sinful world, we are called to bring forth the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Lord. Check out today's ReVision.

Thank you very much for your prayers and gifts to our ministry. We hope we are ministering to you in some way. If so, we pray that you'll feel free to share with us, so that we can continue and expand this outreach to more people. You can click the donate tab or send your tax-deductible gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA 20158.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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