God gave us His Son. What are we giving Him?
“For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”
– Matthew 25.29
What to bestow for Christ they will not, all misers lose out of season; after them others gather. Living but little themselves, they scarce venture to give to God; to death they leave their all, they keep nothing of themselves.
– Columbanus, “Poem on the World’s Impermanence,” Irish, 7th century
Today we celebrate the Christian miser, that thrifty guy or gal who, endowed with gifts and opportunities for serving the Lord, wisely keeps that precious bounty on the shelf rather than risk it among the uncertainties of the unbelieving world.
The Christian miser is excellent at counting his blessings. Day by day he offers up his thanks and praise to God for the many and abundant good gifts he has received. And, just to make sure he doesn’t lose any of those gifts, or foolishly squander them in some ill-conceived venture of service, he keeps them secure in a vault at home, where he may review and enjoy them at his leisure.
Of course, the Christian miser knows that a day is coming when the Giver of every good gift will require an accounting of what we have done with His largesse. But that is still many years off, he reckons, and even when it happens, is he not forgiven and safe in Jesus? And will he not be received into his heavenly mansion, where many more wonderful gifts await his thrift?
Why, let us ask Jesus Himself: “And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (v. 30).
The “worthless servant” is the one who, greatly endowed for the purpose of glorifying God with his life, excuses himself from service and retains his gifts and blessings for his own enjoyment. And what shall become of him? His gifts will be redistributed, his hopes for a place in heaven will be dashed, and he will be consigned to bitter weeping forever.
If in any way we are Christian misers, dear friends, let us hasten to repent.
God gave us the supreme Gift of His only Son, so that we might be saved. Let us not fail to use the many endowments and opportunities provided us each day to thank, honor, and praise this very unmiserly God.
Psalm 32.8, 9 (Hendon: “Take My Life and Let It Be”)
Teach me, Lord how I should live; sound instruction ever give.
Let me never stubborn be; let Your eye watch over me.
Let Your eye watch over me.
Faith together with works, eagerness with steadfastness – let these, Lord, be the hallmarks of my service in Your name. Adapted from Colmán mac Beógnai, Aipgitir Chrábaid