Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Psalm119:21 & 22

John Nunnikhoven

You rebuke the insolent, accursed ones, who wander from your commandments.

Your perfection demands that You not allow sin or evil in Your presence. It cannot be tolerated among those who claim to be committed to be Your disciples. Bring Your just discipline to bear against those who make the deliberate choice to disobey You.

 Take away from me scorn and contempt, for I have kept your testimonies.

Shield me, Lord, with the knowledge that all the world’s contempt is as empty vapors, it cannot stand against the Almighty Power. Help me to yearn to hear that gentle Voice, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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