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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Review of Gordon Wenham’s “Psalms As Torah: Reading Biblical Song Ethically”

Chuck Huckaby

If an modern “apologetic” is needed for reading, singing, praying or otherwise internalizing the Psalms, then Gordon Wenham’s work on the instructive value (and I would add the hermeneutical value) of the Psalms is an excellent work.

You can read my review here: 

Review of Gordon Wenham’s “Psalms As Torah: Reading Biblical Song Ethically”

I wish he would have done more on the Christological interpretation of the Psalms and the Imprecatory Psalms in light of the incarnation and present age, but otherwise this is an excellent work.

If we internalize the Psalms, we will understand the “weightier matters of the law” and not end up chasing casuistic rabbits as we interpret the Torah! 🙂

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