Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Deceived by the World

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Start each day with the Word.

The world’s strength is a deception…

  – Oengus mac Oengobann, Feilire Oengusso (Irish, 9th century)

To the teaching and the testimony! If they will not speak acording to this word, it is because they have no dawn.

  – Isaiah 8.20

Isaiah was prophesying against priests and rulers who looked to the ways of the world rather than the Word of God for guidance in their work.

They listened to the voices of dead people, turned their faces to the ways of the earth, and plunged the nation into distress, darkness, and the gloom of anguish.

The Word of God was the need of the hour, but only the true disciples of the Lord were turning to it and resting in it (vv. 16, 17, 20). The rest had fallen for the deception of the world, and it would be their undoing.

What about us? Are we living our Christian lives according to the Word of God, or are we fitting our Christian lives into a worldly mold and “doing the best we can”? And our churches, are we conducting our ministries according to the life-giving Word or the ways of the world – marketing, management, entertainment, laissez faire?

The light of the Gospel is but dimly shining from the churches of our day. The lives of most believers show but little evidence that the new light of Christ has dawned in them. Either we will speak and live according to the teaching of God’s Word, or we will follow the ways of the world.

Which will it be? With you? Today?

The way of Christ is full and abundant (Jn. 14.6; 10.10). His Word shows us that way, but we must turn to it, appeal to it, depend on it, grow in it, live by it, and proclaim it boldly if we want to see the power of Christ’s life bursting through ours.

Start each day with the Word, and live each day by the Word. This way the dawn of Christ will rise to new heights of light and glory every day of your life.

The world is a deception. Only the Lord and His Word are true.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

In the Gates – This week we begin the most important series on the Law of God since this column began five years ago. You won’t want to miss a single installment.

Reading Wrong, Reading Right – Today I begin a new series in my blog on how to gain the most benefit from reading the Word of God.

Visit our website to learn about opportunities for mentoring, study, and other resources available through The Fellowship of Ailbe. And thanks to those of you who support us with your gifts and prayers.

T. M. Moore,

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