He rules unto the progress of His good and blessed Kingdom.
The momentary glory of the kings of the present world,/fleeting and tyrannical, is cast down at God’s whim.
– Columba, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)
The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.
– Proverbs 21.1
I have recently written about the concern on the part of certain secular media types over the idea of “dominion” that they are hearing from some sectors of the Christian population. This is not a notion to which secularists are cordial, as you might imagine.
Before we start backing away from the idea, however, let’s remember two things: First, God commanded human beings to exercise dominion over the earth, beginning in their own place in the garden (Gen. 1.26-28; Ps. 8). But this was not intended as a license to savage the earth and oppress our neighbors. What God had in mind is that we should understand the patterns and workings of His goodness and give ourselves selflessly for the blessing of the earth and all its creatures.
What’s not to like in that?
Second, we should also remember that the Savior we serve is the King of kings. He has dominion and is exercising it according to his pleasure and will (Latin, nutu – not “whim” as our translator has it). When it pleases God to exercise His sovereign rule unto righteousness, peace, and joy in the Spirit, not even the most powerful kings or nations can oppose Him. He has dominion, and He rules unto the progress of His good and blessed Kingdom.
And we are His agents and ambassadors.
So before we get all apologetic over the “dominion” thing, let’s try clarifying for our secular neighbors just exactly what we mean by that. Let’s propose a world where goodness, beauty, and truth flourish; where freedom and opportunity are the privilege of all; where generosity, selflessness, civililty, and mutuality are the guiding norms in all relationships; and where “love” is a word that means something once again.
Then let’s point them to Jesus. Politicians and governments cannot accomplish the kind of dominion we seek. Only Jesus, working through His people, by His Word and Spirit, can do this. And if we pray earnestly and seek Him diligently, who knows?
It just might please Him to bring revival.
Today at the Fellowship of Ailbe
It’s almost fall and we have published our schedule of training and mentoring opportunities, as well as the monthly free webinars of The Pastors’ Fellowship. Visit the website to find out more, and drop me a line if you have any questions.
Our fall download is also available – “Twelve Questions That Could Change Your Church.” How’s your church doing these days? This little tool could help you find out.
ReVision – Has the Church run out of big ideas? Right when we really need some?
We appreciate your support in prayer, as well as the gifts you send to make this ministry possible. You can donate to support the fellowship by using the button in this newsletter or at the website. Or send you contribution to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA 20158.
T. M. Moore, tmmoore@ailbe.org