The wife of Proverbs 31 and the Bride of Christ.
Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies. Proverbs 31.10
This passage undoubtedly has as its focus, in the first instance, the kind of woman who, by the grace and in the favor and strength of the Lord, fulfills His intention for women. This is the kind of wife like my wife, and doubtless like the wives of many readers, whose many virtues and excellencies are evident to all who know them.
But this passage can also be applied to the Church, the Bride of Christ, and outlines the many excellencies which should characterize her. Let’s consider them briefly.
By her faithfulness and diligence she earns the trust and favor of her Husband, so that she lacks nothing she needs to fulfill her calling (v. 10). She is a good steward of all the Lord’s gifts–time, wealth, opportunities, members–and thus He entrusts her with more.
The Church honors the Lord by her many good works, done for His glory, and by keeping herself from evil (v. 11). The members of the Church, diffused throughout their community, are true light, salt, and leaven of goodness in all their own mission fields, and the Church as a whole, all churches throughout the community, are a blessing even to those who do not believe.
The Church applies herself to good and productive works, here, I believe, as represented in her members as they pursue their individual callings, the excellence of whose work is obvious and beneficial to all (vv. 13, 14): The Church takes care of the needs of her members (vv. 12-15); works day and night in creative endeavors, and in caring for the poor and needy (vv. 16-21); and adorns herself with beauty, both spiritual and material (v. 22). The Church, in other words, is actively engaged in and contributing to the cultural life of her community.
The Law of Christ spreading out from the Church (Mic. 4.1-8), influences the rule of her city because she works to ensure that her Husband’s voice is heard in the gates of the city (v. 23). She offers goods and necessities in the marketplace (v. 24), is in all things a model of strength and honor (v. 25), speaks wisdom and kindness (v. 26), and cares faithfully for the needs of her own (v. 27). Thus she is praised by her children and her Husband because she fears the Lord (vv. 28-30).
The virtuous Bride is regarded as a treasure to her city and is praised by those who rule there, so that she abounds in the fruit she most desires–disciples of her Husband and Lord (vv. 29, 30).
Where anywhere are churches that fit this description, or even aspire to it?