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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Pray for All Who Are in High Positions

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

It’s our duty and privilege.

(Pray) for kings and all who are in high positions, 1 Timothy 2:2

We have just come through national and local elections in the United States of America and this verse kept coming up in my prayer times. Depending on how you feel about those in high positions, you may find this instruction difficult to fulfill. The Bible does not tell us to pray for those we agree with or like and not to pray for those we disagree with or do not like; rather it tells us that we are to pray for “all” who are in high positions.

When Paul wrote this letter, the violent and cruel Nero was the emperor of Rome and was very much persecuting the church and the Jews. Persecution and ill-treatment of Christians is still going on by various civil leaders around the world, but that does not excuse us from praying for them. It is imperative that we pray for our current leaders no matter how unreasonable and difficult they may be.

The verse goes on to tell us to pray for them “so that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” How interesting that verse is to me. It doesn’t tell me to pray for those in high positions so that “they” will lead a peaceful and quiet life, but so that “I” may be able to have a peaceful and quiet life. “Peaceful” means tranquil, a calm life not bothered by circumstances from the within us. “Quiet” refers to not being bothered by circumstances around us. Praying for those in authority over us will benefit our walk with the Lord in a world that is full of chaos, confusion and calamity.

What are we to pray for when we pray for those in high positions? Verse 4 gives us priority for our prayers. God “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”. This is good and pleasing to God, that we pray for their salvation. It would also be reasonable that we pray for their sanctification, if they are believers. We are all in need of prayers for our growth in Christ and the knowledge of His law. How much more do our leaders need these prayers.

The verse says, “all who are in high positions”. To me that means not only national leaders but state and local civic leaders. I have done the research and found out the names of local, state, and national leaders so I can pray for them by name. I also feel this verse leads us to pray not only for people in high positions of government but also for leaders in business, education, military, entertainment, media, and religion. I spread prayer for these leaders over several days, so that I can pray more specifically for each of them.

May I encourage you to take up Paul’s teaching in some manner. Begin somewhere to pray for those in authority, and let your prayers increase as you see the Lord using them for His glory.

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