Welcome to the Online Learning Page of The Fellowship of Ailbe. Here you’ll find a variety of multi-media learning resources—videos, podcasts, self-study courses, reading guides, worksheets, and more—which can help you in realizing more of the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God. Browse widely and come back often. We have so much to learn together.
For yet more training opportunities, visit The Ailbe Seminary where you’ll find longer courses that go deeper into the study of life in the Kingdom of God.
Dr. Sam Smith, Director of Online Learning
God has called you and Jesus has sent you into your world with the good seed of the Kingdom. Watch the Personal Mission Field video. Download the worksheet to map out your Personal Mission Field, then let the monthly Workshops and weekly Exercises help you become more effective as an agent of God’s grace.
What’s the state of your Christian worldview? The Personal Discipleship Inventory is a self-assessment tool that can help you get your bearings against the vision of Christ and His Kingdom, the disciplines of the life of faith, and the outcomes God intends for our Kingdom-and-glory calling.
These free courses are designed to help you grow in critical areas of Kingdom discipleship. Watch the introductory video, then click through to register for the course. If you like, we’ll provide a Reader to help you through your study. Get a friend or a group to study with you as you discover new and practical ways to grow in your walk with and work for the Lord.
A Kingdom Vision is an extended series of studies designed to explore and unpack the vision of the Kingdom of God which operated in the minds of key Biblical figures.
Only as we focus on the calling which is ours in Christ Jesus will our discipleship have any staying power.
What is encouragement? What does it accomplish? How does being encouraged affect us? How can we become better and more consistent at encouraging others?
In this course, we will consider the teaching of Scripture concerning prayer and its role in the life of faith.
These audio resources offer a closer look at Kingdom living from Biblical, historical, and contemporary vantage points.
These brief video resources offer a closer look at Kingdom living from Biblical, historical, and contemporary vantage points.
Conversations with Charlie Hammett
Pursuit of God | Knowledge of the Holy | Calvin | Great Divorce | Great Divorce | Abolition | Weight of Glory
Conversation with Stan Gale
Finding Forgiveness
Conversation with Dr. Kent Miller
Ask the Fellowship: What is the Celtic revival about?
Ask the Fellowship: How do we know about the Celtic Christian period?
These two videos show you how The Fellowship of Ailbe connects to The Celtic Revival.
Readings from The Celtic Revival: Holiness, from “The Alphabet of Devotion.”
Readings from The Celtic Revival: Calling, from “Life of Saint Columban”
Readings from The Celtic Revival: A Prayer of Columbanus
The Ailbe Cross
The Celtic Christian Vision of Christ
We encourage the reading of good books. The videos below are summaries from our various Reading Groups, to give you some insight to the available books. Free reading and discussion guides are available below each video. Let them guide your reading and reflection, then use them to create a Book Group of your own.