Due to the Pharaoh’s paranoid delusions, the descendants of Israel are enslaved. Then it gets worse. Pharaoh starts a crazy genocidal campaign against them. An Israeli child named Moses is miraculously delivered and, as an adult, finds himself standing before God Himself.
The plot moves fast in this book.
Exodus Week 1: God Builds a Leader
Exodus Week 2: God Calls
Exodus Week 3: Pharaoh Says, “No”
Exodus Week 4: God Turns Up the Heat
Exodus Week 5: Pharaoh Resists
Exodus Week 6: Setting the Stage
Exodus Week 7: The Passover
Exodus Week 8: The Plague Holiday
Exodus Week 9: The Great Escape
Exodus Week 10: Deliverance
Exodus Week 11: Weekly Bread
Exodus Week 12: Miracles Aren’t Enough
Exodus Week 13: Meet the Lord
Exodus Week 14: Nation Building
Exodus Week 15: Constraining Sin
Exodus Week 16: The Law Teaches
Exodus Week 17: Rules for Living
Exodus Week 18: The Presence of the Lord
Exodus Week 19: Furnishings
Exodus Week 20: The Test
Exodus Week 21: Unique Distinctions
Exodus Week 22: Turning Sinners into Priests
Exodus Week 23: Attachment Doesn’t Come Cheap
Exodus Week 24: Intended Purposes
Exodus Week 25: The Golden Sin
Exodus Week 26: God Relents
Exodus Week 27: Love Begets the Bible
Exodus Week 28: The People Get to Work
Exodus Week 29: Activating Gifts
Exodus Week 30: Displaying Holiness