Opportunities for publication abound. We should use them.
The Law of God and Public Policy: Three Ls (4)
Then the LORD answered me and said:
“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2.2
Where public policy begins
God intends that the unbelieving world should benefit from the wisdom and understanding encoded in His Law and all His Word. For the Christian, the logic of public policymaking begins here. Government is not God, and neither are the people. God is God; God is good; and God has established civil governments to serve Him for His good purposes on behalf of the governed. For this to happen, God commands that His Word—beginning with His Law—should guide the nations in establishing policies that promote justice, righteousness, and peace.
And He has entrusted that Word to us, that we should wield it like a two-edged sword (Pss. 147.19, 20; 149.5-6).
As God’s people live out the righteousness and wisdom of His Law, we may expect to have abundant opportunities to talk with our neighbors about why we live the way we do (1 Pet. 3.15). Talking with our neighbors about the wisdom of God is the first locus where public policy begins to be formed. Such conversations, backed-up by credible lives, can wield significant influence with our unbelieving neighbors.
Knowing that God intends His Law to influence the public policies of the nations must move us to make His Law and its benefits known by every means and in every season. Matters of public policy present timely and unique opportunities for God’s people to publish the wisdom and understanding of His Law, and this—publication—constitutes the second locus of public policymaking.
How can believers in Jesus use publication as a way of shaping public policy for good?
Opportunities for publishing
Publishing the Law of God for the nations to see its wisdom and understanding presupposes, of course, both that God’s Kingdom people know His Law and that we are walking in obedience to it (Matt. 5.17-19). The knowledge of God’s Law will bring forth divine wisdom in our daily lives; and the ways we live out the hope of glory to which the Law leads us will certainly be evident to the people around us.
Prior to the last couple of decades, finding a platform from which to publish one’s views on public issues was not an easy proposition. In our day, however, there is no shortage of media through which we might do so. Local newspapers still receive occasional op/ed pieces as well as letters to the editor. Even national journals of opinion will publish letters that are concise, considerate, and well-written.
But by far the greatest medium through which believers can publish the wisdom of God is the Internet. Websites and social media abound where Kingdom citizens can comment, discuss, and share on matters of public policy. Policy websites and blogs also provide opportunities for Christians to weigh in from their Christian worldview perspective. Many very fine public policy newsletters are available for free, and these can be widely shared
In addition, many websites exist in which questions of public policy are given thoughtful consideration by believing thinkers. Articles from these websites relating to public policy matters can be downloaded and copied for study or distribution, or simply emailed to friends. We should always make sure to follow-up on any emailed articles, or articles copied and distributed, with a view to engaging in conversation over the issue examined.
Believers should not be reluctant to post our own views on public policy—on our websites or social media sites, through email, or for discussion in small groups—and thus to encourage conversation that can affect policymaking.
We should also think about ways of influencing and encouraging fellow believers to use their platforms to address matters of public policy for the common good. Whether the platform is a pulpit, a Bible study group, a website or newsletter, or casual discussion groups, all these arenas can be powerful venues for promoting public policies in line with the teaching of God’s Law.
Join efforts
Christians should also think about meeting together to discuss matters of public policy, creating specific strategies for using available media to express shared views. This was an approach to public policymaking which colonial Americans used to great effect by organizing Committees of Correspondence up and down the Eastern seaboard prior to the Declaration of Independence. These Committees were local groups who gathered for study, conversation, and local action to preserve American liberties against what the colonists regarded as increasing British tyranny. They made good use of available publications to shape the thinking of their neighbors about independence.
I once moderated a writer’s group which included, as part of its regular meeting, a session in which members shared their writing goals for the next month. We also discussed matters of public policy and considered ways to address our concerns through local media. When people pray for one another, we discovered, they are more likely to achieve their writing goals. This group was meeting at a time when websites were just beginning to be used; nevertheless, our writers managed to publish several columns and letters to the editor in the local newspaper of a major market.
No one is going to publish the wisdom and knowledge of God’s Law for us. We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves as we seek to persuade others of the benefits to be realized from policies based on God’s good and righteous Word. If we hope to make a long-term contribution to the shape of public policy in this nation, we must explore every available outlet for putting the wisdom and understanding of God’s Law before the eyes of those who are engaged in making public policy, beginning with “we the people.”
For reflection
1. What are some public policy issues that you are concerned about? How do you try to learn more about these issues? Do you talk about these with others?
2. What opportunities for publishing or using publications to influence policy matters are available to you?
3. Are you part of a study group or discussion group where matters of public policy could be researched according to the Word of God?
Next steps—Transformation: What can you begin to do in your own Personal Mission Field to help people think about public policy according to the teaching of God’s Word?
T. M. Moore
What is the place of the Law of God in the Christian’s life? Our book, The Ground for Christian Ethics, answers this question and shows us again why Jesus taught us that keeping the Law is an indispensable part of our calling in God’s Kingdom. Order your free copy of The Ground for Christian Ethics by clicking here.
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Except as indicated, all Scriptures are taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.