Every disciple is a learner.
God alone gives us the ability to learn, and He does so that we might minister His grace to those who are weary, who need comfort, instruction, edification, encouragement, and hope. Learning for knowledge alone is not an option in the Lord’s school. We must seek to learn as much as we can, and to translate that learning into words and deeds that touch others with the grace and truth of the Lord, that they might know His salvation.
Such learning is a daily challenge and task. We and those we serve must be encouraged to meet with the Lord morning by morning, asking Him to open our ears that we might hear His Word, be taught of Him, and go forth to serve others with what we are learning. We have truly learned when we have learned Jesus, God’s Servant, and are speaking and living as He would, as if He were living through us.
Learning like this requires discipline, making time each day to search the Scriptures, that we might see Jesus, God’s Servant, and that His Word and visage might work to transform us into His own image. Then we will use our learning as agents of grace and ministers for the edification of God’s people.
We must increase in learning Jesus, and we must urge and help those we serve to increase in learning Him as well.