The day of the Lord, most righteous King of Kings, is at hand: a day of anger and vidication, of darkness and of cloud, a day of wonderful mighty thunders, a day also of distress, of sorrow and sadness, in which the love and desire of women will cease and the striving of men and the desire of this world.
– Columba, Altus prosator (Irish, 6th century)
“Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay everyone for what he has done.”
– Revelation 22.12
Celtic Christians like Columba, founder of the monastery on Iona, lived with a view to the last day. They agreed with Peter that the end of all things and the final judgment should inform our conduct in the present, leading us to seek holiness in the fear of God (2 Pet. 3.11-14). They embraced the Law’s command both to love God and to fear Him, (Deut. 10.12, 13), for they understood it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb. 10.30, 31).
Men like Columba never lost sight of the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ. They believed Him when He said He was coming soon, and they strove to make sure, to the best of their ability, that they would be found of Him busy at the work of His Kingdom and free of the dalliances of the world and the flesh. At the same time, they knew themselves to be sinners and hoped in the mercy and grace of the Lord, not in their own works.
Their vision of what was to come shaped their lives and guided their labors in the present. Jesus was coming soon, they knew, and there was still so much work to be done. A clear and compelling vision of the end of all things need not be a matter of doom and dread. Instead, it can motivate us, in fear and love, to acts of devotion, works of service, and celebrations of worshipful anticipation that can shape our lives for holiness and ministry.
But gaining such a vision doesn’t come easy. We have to search the Scriptures, consider the writings of those for whom such vision was clear and compelling (like Columba), and encourage one another with the hope of the Lord’s soon return and certain mercy (1 Thess. 5.9-11). But if we live each day in the hope of Christ’s soon return – and the knowledge that we must all stand before Him – the days of our lives will be more fruitful for the King and His Kingdom.
Jesus is coming soon. Are you preparing for Him?
Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe
Is it possible that Christians are not living up to the world’s expectations? That is, do they see Christ in us who bear His Name? Check out today’s ReVision.
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T. M. Moore,