Lord, how long will You look on? Rescue me from their destructions, My precious life from the lions. I will give You thanks in the great assembly; I will praise You among many people. Let them not rejoice over me who are wrongfully my enemies; Nor let them wink with the eye who hate me without a cause. For they do not speak peace, But they devise deceitful matters Against the quiet ones in the land. They also opened their mouth wide against me, And said, "Aha, aha! Our eyes have seen it."
Over the centuries, the Christian faith has been accused of an incredibly long list of fancifully created offenses; many involving gruesome and cruel actions against non-believers. It is conceivable that there have been instances where Christians were not obedient to the instructions of our LORD to love our enemies as ourselves. These happened especially during periods of the Crusades which were not inspired by the love of our LORD, but by sin driven ambition.
The LORD's faithful flock needs to be vigilant in our expression of our faith. We serve a loving and risen Savior, who intercedes for us constantly at the throne of God. We are called as His Ambassadors of Reconciliation— not His Ambassadors of Retribution.
Morning Psalm 145 Noon Psalm 119:105-112, Evening Psalm 104