Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Peacemakers, Scripture and Poetry, Send Us Your Thoughts, and More

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Lots going on.

LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle?
Who may dwell in Your holy hill?
Psalm 15.1

Resources for Shepherds
Let me take this opportunity to introduce you to The Ailbe Podcast, a new resource to help stretch your vision of the Kingdomand its potential. Our Ailbe Brother Rusty Rabon is the creator and host of this resource, and his introduction to this ministryoutlines our purpose.

On the Resources for Shepherds page, Ailbe Brother David Sincerbox points out the great opportunity these uncertain times present for our churches to be peacemakers in our communities.

If you read one book on poetry this year – or ever – let it be David Lyle Jeffrey’s Scripture and the English Poetic Imagination. Read my review here.

Tara Isabella Burton, writing in Comment, shows that Christianity holds the key to a sound epistemology. Here is encouragement for all who are entrusted with the ministry of the Word. Read my summary and review here.

Add your insights, reviews, and recommended reading to our Resources for Shepherds page. Just follow the examples you see there, and send your contributions to me at I’ll get them ready and post them, so that you can encourage your fellow shepherds.

The Ailbe Seminary
What is the Kingdom of God, and what is its status today? How is the Kingdom of God like an ecosystem, and where to do we fit into this new, heavenly environment? These are some of the questions Marshall Adams and I address in our course, “The Coming of the Kingdom.” Check out the course preview by clicking here, then register at The Ailbe Seminary and for the course.

For an overview of our program and curriculum, watch this brief video.

Ailbe Resources
The Ailbe Bookstore
If you haven’t visited our new bookstore lately, now’s a good time to do so. Click here and discover the many resources available at the store to help you in seeking and advancing the Kingdom of God. Click the “Books by Author” tab to discover even more helpful resources.

Is your church captive to the spirit of the age? It happens. It has happened throughout Church history. Our book, The Church Captive, explains and shows you how to recognize the signs of captivity and lead your church to renewal. Order your copy by clicking here.

Come pray with us!
Men, join other men from coast-to-coast and beyond as we come together each Tuesday morning at 10:00 Eastern to seek the Lord for revival. If you’d like to join us, write to me at, and I’ll make sure you get on the invitation list.

At The Fellowship of Ailbe website
Dr. Stan Gale, a Member of the Ailbe Board of Overseers, has a long and distinguished record of pastoral leadership and helpful writing. His column, Rooted in Christ, explores the foundations of faith and life with depth and clarity, and with Stan’s trademark winsomeness. Check out recent columns by clicking here, then use the pop-up to subscribe.

My Scriptorium column is a daily opportunity for worship and study through books of the Bible We’re a few weeks away from finishing the Gospel of Matthew, then we’ll work our way through Jeremiah. Check out recent installments of our Matthew study by clicking here, then use the pop-up to subscribe.

Psalm of the Week
We are happy for you to use our weekly psalm for personal or corporate worship. All psalms for singing are from The Ailbe Psalter.

Psalm 15 (Arlington: This is the Day the Lord Has Made)
Lord, who may dwell within Your tent, or on Your holy hill?
All those who keep Your covenant and walk within Your will.

All they who with integrity work peace and righteousness,
forever in God’s house shall be forgiven, kept, and blessed.

Let truth from every heart proceed, and slander disappear:
Thus shall we know God’s grace indeed and feel His presence near.

No evil to your neighbor speak, nor turn against your friend:
Thus shall you know the end you seek – God’s presence without end.

Let every sinner be despised; but those who fear the Lord
shall honor have before our eyes, according to God’s Word.

All they who keep their word in faith, though suffering may ensue,
shall know the favor of God’s grace, His presence ever true.

No greed and no injustice shall they do who seek the Lord;
but on His mercy ever call and stand upon His Word.

From the Celtic Revival
“Ailbe” – as in The Fellowship of Ailbe
I’m often asked about the name of our Fellowship, where it comes from and what it means. Here is a brief video, which we use with those who are becoming Members of The Fellowship,  that explains the role “Ailbe” played in the Celtic Revival (430-800 AD), and how we use that name in our ministry.

Read more excerpts from the Celtic Revival by subscribing to our twice-weekly teaching letter, Crosfigell. Use the pop-up at the website to update your subscriptions.

T. M. Moore

We hope you find Pastor to Pastor to be a helpful resource in your walk with and work for the Lord. If so, please prayerfully consider supporting The Fellowship of Ailbe with your prayers and gifts. You can contribute online via PayPal, or by sending a gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 360 Zephyr Road, Williston, VT 05495.

Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All Psalms for singing are from The Ailbe Psalter.

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T.M. Moore

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