Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Lord and Christ

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Son of David, King of Israel, Lord of all. Matthew 22.41-46

Matthew 22: The King and His Law (6)

Pray Psalm 142.5, 6.
I cried out to You, O LORD:
I said, “You are my refuge,
My portion in the land of the living.
Attend to my cry,
For I am brought very low;
Deliver me from my persecutors,
For they are stronger than I.

Sing Psalm 142.5, 6.
(Dix: For the Beauty of the Earth)
Hear my cry, Lord, I am low! They are strong who seek my soul.
Jesus frees from every foe; He will keep and make me whole!
Lord, You are my Refuge strong!
O receive my plaintive song.

Read Matthew 22.1-46; meditate on verses 41-46.

1. What did Jesus ask the Pharisees?

2. How did they respond?

Jesus had a question of His own for the Pharisees. It came in two parts. First, Jesus asked them whose Son the Messiah was. They answered correctly: King David (v. 41). As we saw in chapter 21, when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the Messiah Who was acknowledged by all as the Son of David, true heir to the throne of Israel, and the bringer of salvation (Matt. 21.9).

But, as will become clear, those who were celebrating Jesus as King had a merely earthly throne in view.

The Pharisees must have felt a bit smug at this point, showing that they knew full well the prophecies relating to the coming of David’s Son as king over Israel (cf. Ps. 132). Those stupid Sadducees might not know the Scriptures, but we sure do!

Back to Jesus’ question: So far, so good. The Christ is the Son of David.

Jesus put the second part of His question to them: Why did David, writing “in the Spirit”, call his Son “Lord”? And here he quoted from Psalm 110.1, a psalm of David. Then: “If David calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his Son?” The answer is, of course, that the Messiah is both – Son of David and David’s Lord – because (1) the Messiah is the Son of God as well as David’s Son, as we saw in Jesus genealogy (Matt. 1); and (2) David – like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (v. 32) – is alive in his spirit and worshiping his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew says “no one was able to answer Him a word.” And just for good measure, the religious leaders decided to stop asking Him questions. To minimize their embarrassment before the multitudes, I suppose.

I can’t help but wonder about that “no one was able to answer Him”. Were they truly not “able”, or were they simply not “willing”? Or were they not “able” because they were not “willing” to risk having to admit that Jesus is the Messiah? Whichever, we can be sure that their anger toward Jesus was rising, and they were beginning to understand that more drastic measures than trick questions would be required to silence Him.

1. How can the Messiah be both David’s Son and David’s Lord?

2. Jesus said that David was writing “in the Spirit.” What does that mean? What does it suggest about the source of David’s writings?

3. Why was it necessary that Jesus be both Son of David and Son of God?

Thus you have heard that Christ is both David’s Son and David’s Lord: David’s Lord always, David’s Son in time. David’s Lord, born of the substance of his Father; David’s Son, born of the Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit. Let us hold fast both.
Augustine (354-430), Sermon 92.2-3

You are my Lord and King, Jesus. Guide and empower me today as I…

Pray Psalm 142.1-4, 7.
Praise the Father for Jesus our Messiah and Lord! Commit this day to serving Him in all you do.

Sing Psalm 142.1-4, 7.
Psalm 142.1-4, 7 (Dix: For the Beauty of the Earth)
With my voice, O Lord, I cry – hear my plea for mercy, Lord!
My complaint mounts up on high, bringing You my troubled word:
Refrain vv. 5, 6
Lord, You are my Refuge strong!
O receive my plaintive song!

When my spirit faints away, You my falt’ring pathway know.
Where I take my journey they traps have hidden to my woe.

Lord, look to my right and see: None takes notice of my plight.
Is there refuge left for me? Is my soul out of Your sight?

Out of prison lead me, Lord; thanks and praise to You shall be.
Righteous men armed with Your Word Will Your grace bestow on me.

T. M. Moore

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Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All psalms for singing adapted from The Ailbe Psalter. All quotations from Church Fathers from Ancient Christian Commentary Series, General Editor Thomas C. Oden (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2006). All psalms for singing are from The Ailbe Psalter (available by clicking here).


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