Many Are One in Christ
All our varied skills and arts waith the coming of the Spirit into open minds and hearts.
The Daily Struggle
O beloved, truly chaste Christ, to whom every eye is clear, may the grace of the sevenfold Spirit come to keep [my thoughts], to hold them in check. Rule this heart of mine, O swift God of the elements, that you may be my love, and that I may do your will! – Anonymous, “On the Flightiness of Thought,” […]
A New Hope
Christians have a hope which the world neither understands nor desires.
Boaz: Biblical Virtue in Action
Introduction The story of Boaz, as told in the Book of Ruth, is a moving example of godly leadership, integrity, and compassion. Boaz, a wealthy landowner in Bethlehem during the time of the judges, demonstrated remarkable character and righteousness in his interactions with Ruth, a Moabite widow. His actions not only provided for Ruth and […]
Cry for a Mediator
Throughout the book that bears his name, Job called out for a mediator to bridge the gap between him and God.
No, not that kind.