A Christmas Conundrum
Christmas this year falls on a Sunday.
Advent 2022: Day 4
Advent 2022: Day 4
Lesson 7: You Shall Not Murder
The sixth commandment forbids: taking our own or anyone else’s life, except the pursuit of public justice, lawful war, or necessary defense; neglecting or withholding the necessary means for the preservation of life; sinful anger, hatred, envy, or desire for revenge; all excessive emotions and distracting anxieties; intemperate eating, drinking, working, or playing, speaking in a provocative way, oppressing, quarreling with, hitting, or wounding others, or anything else conducive to the destruction of anyone’s life. (The Westminster Larger Catechism)
Scary Blessings
Suddenly, God fills the room.
Sincerity is not enough.
Mary and Joseph were faithful. Luke 2.21-24