The Kingdom of God
A Hard Question
For eleven years I was privileged to serve on the Board of Ordained Ministry for my denomination. The responsibility of the Board is to work with people who are candidates for ordained ministry, helping them navigate their way through the long process. From assisting them in understanding God’s call in their lives to celebrating with them at their ordination, it was a rewarding experience.
The Hammer
Restoring Creation
The groaning creation is waiting.
Lord of the Sabbath
Jesus teaches us how to understand His Law. Matthew 12.1-8
Psalm 119:121, 122
I have done what is just and right; do not leave me to my oppressors. As I walk in the King's Highway, there is no need for correction, Give your servant a pledge of good; let not the insolent oppress me. The insolent would be those who deny You and who depend upon their own […]