Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


Consider the all-aroundness of God.


Consider the all-aroundness of God.

Philippians 2:12-13

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence,work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. It's probably easy to misconstrue this passage […]

Caring for the Poor

The Law of God for Daily Meditation

Morning Meditation

Leviticus 19.14

“You shall not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall fear your God: I am the LORD.”

The More You Know

2 Peter 1.6, 7

to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love.