O Come, O Come Emmanuel Advent 2A 2010
As we move through Advent, here’s a sermon for the second week based on the hymn “O Come, O Come, Emanuel”
Here are the preaching notes:
Introduction – What is the significance of the coming of Jesus Christ?
Just a Thought
Even a string of unrelated thoughts can lead to praise.
Cities of Refuge (2)
Cities of Refuge (2)–Note the role of the “congregation” in this. Justice was a community effort.
Voices Together: Psalm 119:165
Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble. If you love me, you will keep My commandments and I will send the Helper to walk with you and lead you into all truth. Behold, I am with you, even to the end of the age. Blessed assurance, Jesus […]