Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Seek Faithful People – An Ordination Sermon

This is an ordination sermon preached 11/21/2010. May the Lord use it and bless it. The sermon audio can be heard here: Seek Faithful People Prayer: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer. Amen.                                         Psa 19:14 NASB   […]

Papal Spin

The Pope has spoken on condoms. Maybe he’s wishing he hadn’t.

The Sign of Jonah

We will not see many people in this generation coming to Jesus until we show them a sign.

Voices Together: Psalm 119:145

Psalm 119:145 With my whole heart I cry; answer me, O LORD! I will keep your statutes. Lord, it is coming, coming coming. That wonderful dedication of my whole heart. To live in Your will, to abide with You, closer each day. Praise You, Lord, praise You. A whole heart cry! Answer me, O Lord. […]

Stewards of Creation

Stewards of Creation–Not even extreme situations sanction the wanton destruction of creation.