The False Hope of Politics
As President Obama’s approval ratings continue to decline, Democratic lawmakers continue to turn a deaf ear to the concerns of the nation, and Republicans enjoy the favor of the Tea Party movement, many are hoping that the mid-term elections this fall will mark a watershed and turning-point for the country. They are hoping that the […]
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life June/Training for Mission 14 June 2010 We read in the most noble opening of Genesis that Paradise was planted by the Lord in the beginning, from whose spring the four rivers flow, and in whose flowering midst is the tree of life whose leaves, bringing health to the peoples, do not […]
The Priority of the Kingdom
Seeking the Kingdom (3) “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6.33 Hearts and minds for the Kingdom Seeking the Kingdom of God, as Jesus commands, begins within, in our souls. We must train our hearts to desire the Kingdom and […]
Psalm 3:8 Salvation belongs to the LORD; Your blessing be on Your people! Selah
Psalm 3:8 Salvation belongs to the LORD; Your blessing be on Your people! Selah Praise You, Lord, for You are the gift of salvation to the children of man. Freely offered, available to all, complete and without anything other than acceptance on our part. And through that gift flows the incredible blessing of life with […]
The Eighth Commandment
Deuteronomy 14.28, 29
“‘At the end of every three years you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce in the same year and lay it up within your towns.