Hardly Reassuring
You may have felt a bit of ethical satisfaction weekend before last when the Securities and Exchange Commission filed suit against Goldman Sachs for a variety of corrupt practices. At last, it seemed, some clear-headed, sound moral thinking will be inserted to help clean up the ethical sesspool of the American economy. Then came the […]
Satan, Bound (16) As some could be persuaded to insist that worship of the Deity consist in strict conformity to every form and element, still others hoped a norm for worship to define by turning to consider what the pagan peoples do in worship.1 Now I know this seems extreme, but once you fully understand […]
Preparing a Place for Us
The King’s Business (6) “And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” -John 14.3 The King’s Business We have been considering the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and King, as He is […]
Psalm 145:4 One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.
Psalm 145:4 One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. Lord, I have not done this, I have neglected to lead my children and grand children in the paths of righteousness. I confess my very grievous sin and declare to you that I repent. Lord, lead me in your […]
The Third Commandment
Do not take the LORD’s name in vain
God invites us to take His Name upon us, to be reconciled to Him and united with Him for the purpose of His glory and their blessedness. We must not take His Name in any way other than what will fulfill these purposes, and we must not vow empty orunwise vows in His Name.